I feel like the book is getting interesting and I am much more invested in it than I previously was. I have developed an attachment for certain characters and I am constantly hoping for their success.
For instance, Constantine Levin seems like a kind man with a beautiful soul. He is considerate, which is very amiable. Additionally, even though he is gentle he does not enable others to take advantage of him. He is greatly talented at enforcing his will and power without making others feels small. As such I really hope that he find loves, if not with Kitty, then with someone special. Personally, I don’t think that Kitty deserves him, because she can’t see his value.
There was a section of the book where Vronsky was talking to his friend about knowing women. It really resonated with me and I thought it was so beautiful, I even tweeted it. Here it is:
‘But I am married, and believe me that “knowing only your wife, whom you love” –as somebody once said- “you can understand all women better than if you knew thousands”.’
I think the word “know” is a play on word in this instance because the words preceding it seemed to refer to knowing in a sexual way. Regardless, I think it is so beautiful because wouldn’t you love somebody to say that about your love, to say that they don’t need anything more, because your love is better than any other.
Now here is why I don’t like Vronsky. Just read this:
‘That is a nice position!’ he thought. ‘If he struggled, if he defended his honour, I could act and could express my feelings; but this weakness or meanness . . . . He puts me in the position of an imposter – which I did not or do not mean to be’
Oh Come on! Does anyone else think Vronsky is crazy? He deliberately went for a married woman, knowing she had a family, but he thinks he’s not an impostor. In the previous pages, he was following a prince around and he hated that everything he rejected about the prince, was a reflection of him. He thought the prince to be a stupid gentleman and that is exactly how I would describe Vronsky. How can he possibly sleep with a married woman and think that her husband is in the wrong, if he is upset? All the while, he is breaking up a home. I’m sure you can guess that I’m frustrated with Anna Karenina as well. At this point, all I’m hoping is that Karenin will gain some gumption and kick her out on the street. If not for his sake, for my peace of mind.
If you can’t tell, I’m enjoying the book. For your record, I am on page 422 of page 963. Slow and steady wins the race.
… I bet you didn’t think that I was reading huh? I’ll keep you updated. Leave a comment below and share your thoughts with me. Don’t be stingy!
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Twitter: @earnestefua