Happy Sunday! Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at ReaderBuzz. Check out her post and the links to see what other bloggers have been up to in the last week.

I'm skipping my usual Sunday Salon format this week.

The A to Z Challenge asks bloggers to post 26 posts, one for each letter of the English alphabet, in April. Most of us choose to make these posts on a particular theme.
Like last year, I chose a theme that coordinates with the novel that I'm writing - a novel about American women codebreakers in Washington, D.C., during World War II.
For this year's A to Z Challenge, I'm going to use the alphabet to lead us through stories about what was going on in Washington, D.C. in 1943. Thousands of people, many women, moved to the area to fill the jobs in the capital that were needed by a nation at war.
They worked a lot. Most government workers put in 48-hour weeks with Sunday as their only off day. They had one holiday during the entire year of 1943, Christmas Day.
Even with that, life in the capital city wasn't all work. We will explore events that residents might have attended, news that they read about in their morning papers, radio shows that they listened to, and much else about what it was like to be living in Washington, D.C. in 1943.
I enjoy the A to Z Challenge, but only if I've completed all (or nearly all) of the posts before April 1. It's much more fun to visit the other participating blogs when my posts are already complete. I'm doing pretty well on that front. I wrote my S post this morning.
Are you participating in the A to Z Challenge this year?

About Joy Weese Moll
a librarian writing about books