Lifestyle Magazine

The Wedding Sanctuary — a Wedding Event for Advice and Style!

By Claire

The Wed­ding Sanc­tu­ary, Lon­don, Sat­ur­day 3rd March 2013

Wed­ding fairs can be a good way to meet great sup­pli­ers and seek inspi­ra­tion for the design of your wed­ding day, but The Wed­ding Sanc­tu­ary takes design inspi­ra­tion to a whole new level.

On Sun­day 3rd March 2013, London’s RSA – recently refur­bished so look­ing stun­ning already – will be dressed to the nines to show­case the very lat­est in wed­ding recep­tion chic. In col­lab­o­ra­tion with Options Hire, mem­bers of the UK Alliance of Wed­ding Plan­ners ( have cre­ated din­ing tables to truly wow your guests.

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For per­sonal style, head to the Bride’s Boudoir where gowns by the painfully tal­ented Johanna Hehir will sit along­side acces­sories by Vic­to­ria Milles­ime and mini hair and make-up tri­als by cre­ative team extra­or­di­naire Mariam Jensen and The Hep­burn Col­lec­tion.

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But stun­ning table set­tings and cut­ting edge bridal style isn’t all The Wed­ding Sanc­tu­ary has to offer! The plan­ners of the Alliance all receive train­ing and are highly expe­ri­enced in their field, mean­ing that not only is The Wed­ding Sanc­tu­ary a design show, but also an advice event. Mem­bers will be joined by the industry’s bright­est and best (think Dream­catch­ers film-makers, Mary-Jane Vaughan flow­ers and Tempt­ing Cake, all ready to answer any ques­tions you might have about any of your plan­ning problems.

Head upstairs to The RSA’s newly com­pleted Great Room to hear talks from You and Your Wed­ding Mag­a­zine, mem­bers of the Alliance and cre­ative team extra­or­di­naire or head down to the quirky Vaults to grab a cock­tail or talk enter­tain­ment with Free Love DJs and Pro­duc­tion.

And just like that, a new gen­er­a­tion of wed­ding fair is born!

Event details:

When: Sun­day 3rd March
Where: RSA House, 8 John Adam Street, Lon­don WC2N 6EZ
Time: 11:00–13:00 and 14:00–16:00
Price: Sin­gle entry tick­ets cost £10. Dou­ble entry tick­ets cost £15. Add £7.50 to your ticket price to receive a 6 month sub­scrip­tion to Y&YW – the low­est rate you will see any­where!
How to book: Buy tick­ets at
Fol­low us: @TheWeddingSanct

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