Lifestyle Magazine

The Wedding Insider 2 — Everything You Could Possibly Need to Know About Planning Your Wedding

By Claire

The Wed­ding Insider ebook

After the suc­cess of the orig­i­nal Wed­ding Insider book that was pub­lished last year, Tracey Phillips of has just released the fol­low up ’ The Wed­ding Insider 2′ This new ver­sion con­tains all the fab­u­lous infor­ma­tion for the first book and a whole lot more. With use­ful advice and tips from con­trib­u­tors from all parts of the wed­ding indus­try it’s an invalu­able tool for any­one plan­ning their wedding.

Save a whop­ping £2.72 and get your ebook for FREE!!!

If you place an order with Bridal Designs before the end of July you can get a free down­load exclu­sively for read­ers of the Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog! Just write ‘free down­load’ in the com­ments box at check­out and you will receive an email with a link to down­load your free copy.

Don’t worry if you are not ready to order your bridal jew­ellery, the ebook is avail­able to buy from Ama­zon for less than the price of one wed­ding mag­a­zine! The paper­back ver­sion will be out soon.

The Wed­ding Insider ebook on Amazon

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