Books Magazine

The View from Pendennis Mount

By Steph's Scribe @stephverni

Severn Inn Annapolis:Debbie SerioMy dear friend, Debbie, posted this gorgeous photo a few weeks ago on my Facebook page and said, “This is the area of the Severn River (in Maryland) I picture is the kids’ houses in ‘Beneath the Mimosa Tree.’ Am I right?”

Indeed you are, Debbie.

I’m sorry to bombard you, readers, with photographs of Annapolis scenery this week, but the weather is amazing here right now, and the sky and the water are just breathtaking.

Pendennis Mount
In the novel, Michael and Annabelle live in Pendennis Mount. When I attend book clubs and discuss the novel with folks who have read it, people often ask me if that’s the neighborhood where I grew up. It is not; I grew up in a neighborhood a few miles away on the Magothy River. However, I did sort of secretly love Pendennis Mount, simply because of the views of the Naval Academy, downtown Annapolis, and the Severn River. The characters in the novel are neighbors and only-children. Their story starts and unfolds there, with Michael and Annabelle each telling their side of the story in alternating voices.

Annapolis is picturesque, and I wanted to paint the view the way I see it, and hopefully have you fall as much in love with the city as you hopefully do with the characters.

View from Pendennis Mount

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