Food & Drink Magazine

The Twisted Bikini: May!

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

Hi guys May is here!!!

So… the first month of The Twisted Bikini went great! For those of you who don’t know my spring/summer mission here it is in a nutshell… do easy, simple, and quick things that will make the body I have right now look like a million bucks for beach season. No diets!!!



I did the April Bikini Countdown Circuit just as prescribed by SHAPE Magazine, 3 times a week combined with at least 4 cardio sessions of 30 minutes or more. At the beginning I really didn’t know if I’d be able to accomplish so much fitness each week but I did it no problem!


I love it when things work out like they should!!


This month’s circuit is all about turning up the burn! LOVE IT!

This month I need 2 new toys to complete all the exercises… a balance ball and a resistance band.



I found them both at Target for about $30 dollars.

Here are the moves for May. Let me tell ya, they are 9.7 ways of fun!!!




This month I’ll do my new May Circuit 3 times a week with 4 cardio sessions just like before. But I’ll try to get more sessions at 45-60 minutes rather than most of them being right around 30 minutes. I gotta turn up the burn!



April (day 1):


May (day 20):

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