Food & Drink Magazine

The Truth Behind the HerbaLife® Scheme

By Tonicnutrition1

The Truth behind the HerbaLife® SchemeTonic Nutrition:

Spreading the good word….

The Truth behind the HerbaLife® SchemeOriginally posted on jennywattfitness:

I’m sure many of you reading this have heard of the Herbalife® craze that has received snowballing attention in the UK since last year. For those of you that haven’t, Herbalife® International is a multi-level marketing company that sells nutrition and weight management products. These products come in the form of supplementation, snack bars and shakes.

It’s a Scheme

The food supplements sold by Herbalife® are proposed to contain ingredients that aid in weight loss through an increase in metabolism and suppression of appetite, whereby some products claim to increase the body’s fat burning potential through lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation.

But how many of you actually know what is in these supplements and what “herbal” ingredients can promote weight-loss? I’m guessing those people chowing down on one of their many meal replacement shakes don’t have the slightest. Herbalife® is yet another marketing scandal that has been invented to brainwash gullible members of the…

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The Truth behind the HerbaLife® Scheme

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