Lifestyle Magazine

The Top 5 Most Notorious Points of Proposal

By Claire

What I do think is won­der­ful is the ele­ment of sur­prise. Every pro­posal has that: and while you might sus­pect he (or she) is hid­ing a marry me ring in a back pocket, you can only really guess when you’ll hear that very spe­cial question.

Or is there more to it? Can past pro­pos­als give us more than a lit­tle clue into where and when he’ll pop the ques­tion? Would you want to know, or be pre­pared just in case? Read on… and if you’ve got a hol­i­day booked, maybe there’s a clue in today’s fea­ture! Enjoy xxx

The Top 5 Most Noto­ri­ous Points of Proposal

wed­ding blog arti­cle by Richard Paul

Aside from the count­less dreams about the actual wed­ding, the dress and that first mar­ried kiss, the sec­ond most roman­tic moment of your life will be the pro­posal – when your other half gets down on that one knee, enthuses about how much they love you, opens up the box, sees that dia­mond glis­ten in your eyes and asks: ‘will you marry me?’

Or hope­fully it’ll go some­thing like that per­fect movie scene of a pro­posal and not instead see him belch­ing out the ques­tion after a take­away curry, but you’ll never know until it hap­pens if he’s played his cards right… and that’s all part of the romance. How­ever if he’s just pre­sent­ing you with tick­ets to one of the fol­low­ing cities, your heart can start beat­ing a lit­tle faster about the pos­si­bil­ity of it hap­pen­ing at a famous land­mark it is home to. Here are the top 5 points of proposal:

5. Venice, Italy – The Canals

If you’re not mar­ried or engaged yet and are sat on a Gon­dola across from your part­ner whilst float­ing along the Venet­ian canals, it would be hard not to think that he might be get­ting set to pop the big ques­tion. As long as you’re okay with the gon­do­lier being present whilst this extremely per­sonal moment is tak­ing place, then let’s hope you’ll be fly­ing off to Venice soon.

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4. Lon­don, Eng­land – The Lon­don Eye

Now if you’re in the UK you won’t have very far to go for this one, but the Lon­don Eye is still stand­ing tall as one of the most pop­u­lar places for peo­ple to pro­pose. Maybe it’s the panoramic views across the whole of Lon­don or the chance to hire ‘Cupid’s Cap­sule’ – the only way to make it just you two, a bot­tle of cham­pagne and that ring.

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3. New York, USA – Cen­tral Park

Yes, New York has its hot dog ven­dors and rick­ety rides on the sub­way but it can also be one of the most roman­tic places in the world. Espe­cially when rid­ing through its Cen­tral Park in a horse drawn car­riage at sun­set. This might sound like too much of a cliché, but it’s mag­i­cal for a rea­son. This or a stroll through it near Christ­mas time and there’s no way you can say no.

2. The Very Scene of your First Date

Now this breaks away from the rest, but if things were get­ting a lit­tle too cliché and pre­dictable for you, then this is one that is com­pletely per­sonal to you and your rela­tion­ship. If he remem­bered where your first date took place (and he really should) then this is a place that’ll just be yours. It could be a restau­rant, a cof­fee shop, even a lit­tle park you met in. What­ever it is, it’ll mean a lot.

1. Paris, France – The Eif­fel Tower

Where else could the num­ber one most noto­ri­ous place to pro­pose pos­si­bly be other than atop the Eif­fel Tower in Paris? The cen­tre­piece in the home of romance, it doesn’t really need any intro­duc­tion, just don’t be sur­prised if there’s about 5 other guys doing the same thing whilst you’re being pro­posed to. But once you’ve said yes, you can set off down the River Seine and get chat­ting about what mar­ried life will be like…

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Writ­ten by Richard Paul for Hen Heaven, the peo­ple who can send you on hen week­ends abroad once you’ve been pro­posed to.

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By Nicolas Garreau
posted on 17 March at 20:12

Claire, your suggestion about Paris is so real! I'm a marriage proposal planner in Paris, and since 2006, I helped more than 1200 men to pop the big question in the City of Light. And my advice, for those who really want the Eiffel Tower, is to pop the question by using the tower as a perfect romantic background, especially when the tower is sparkling. But proposing while visiting the tower is NOT a good idea: overcrowded, windy, souvenir vendors everywhere, and most important, too many men proposing there everyday! One evening, I ever saw two men getting on the knee at the same moment, a situation very embarrassing for everybody. But in Paris, you will find so many possibilities to propose like in a real fairy-tale... Only try to avoid the "touristic" spots!

Nicolas, Founder of