Mixed media assemblage, a collection of things, flotsum and jetsum of a life lived.
Wikipedia describes "jetsam" as things that have been voluntarily cast into the sea by the crew of a ship, usually in order to lighten it in an emergency; while "flotsam" are goods that are floating on the water without having been thrown in deliberately, often after a shipwreck.
Either way, as we make our way through life, there are many things we touch and hold dear. A doll, a marble, a ball . . . . Eventually, some are cast away, having served their purpose, are rendered useless, while others are somehow lost and forever missed.
This piece was created a few years ago, and I was never quite happy with it. I never entered it a juried show or exhibited it at the Sebastopol Gallery, where I regularly show my work. Instead I kept it in the closet, hidden, untouched, and unseen. Recently, I was invited to submit work for a juried show titled "Evolution / Revolution".
I felt I did not have any pieces that fit the theme - then I remembered this, almost forgotten piece.
And wouldn't you know? It was one of the pieces selected for the show!
Just goes to show ya! You just never know what the jurors are looking for . . . .