Family Magazine

The Snot Sucker: Nose-Frida Review

By Craftycrunchymama
The Snot Sucker: Nose-Frida ReviewBaby J has a cold right now and he is SO congested. There is snot pouring out of his little nose. I wipe it, but then seconds later I turn around and it looks just as bad.
Enter the NoseFrida Snot Sucker. This thing is the best nasal aspirator ever. I can't say enough good things about it.
Like every mother that gave birth in a hospital, I was sent home with a bulb syringe to suck out baby's nose. Although bulb syringes work sometimes, they are incredibly intimidating and hard to use - I mean one head turn and that thing is jammed so far down baby's nose that he will NEVER let you get within ten feet of him with anything resembling a bulb syringe! Not to mention that you can't see what you are getting or if it is really clean when you rinse it out.
How does it work?
The large end gets put against baby's nostril. It never goes in like a traditional nasal aspirator. Your baby can twist and turn and it won't hurt him one bit!

The Snot Sucker: Nose-Frida Review

Filter so snot doesn't get transferred from child to parent.

Then you get the snot out by putting your mouth at the end of the tube (the red part) and sucking. Don't get grossed out, there is a filter in place so that no snot or germs can touch you. Your suction power is so much more efficient than the bulb. I put the red part in my mouth and just keep sucking. Baby J likes to twist and turn so I can't get it in, but I just suck away and when I make contact - BAM - the snot is gone.
What are the Benefits Over a Bulb Syringe?
1.) NoseFrida cannot injure your child's nose. It only goes in just enough to make contact. The tapered end makes sure that it goes no further.

The Snot Sucker: Nose-Frida Review

Comparison of the NoseFrida and bulb syringe ends. The NoseFrida can only get so far whereas the bulb can go quite far, causing possible injury.

 2.) NoseFrida is transparent - you can see what you are getting and if you are being effective. (I had a picture of this but decided not to gross you out too much.)
3.) Mouth suction is more powerful than squeezing the bulb.
4.) It is easily washable and you can tell you are getting it clean.

The Snot Sucker: Nose-Frida Review

Rinsing it out after use.

I have to say, the biggest factor for buying this product, for me, is the fact that I won't be hurting Baby J anymore. Let's face it - kids don't like having their snot sucked. Baby J doesn't like this just as much as he doesn't like the bulb, but I know when he is throwing himself and turning his head from side to side, that I won't be hurting him.
This product costs $15.00 on The NoseFrida Website.
Do you have a NoseFrida? Do you like it?

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