Fashion Magazine

The Seventies: A New Page in the History of Fashion

By Cgajid @cgajid
At Vinchi, we are inspired by the 70s fashion. The 'Disco Diva' look was a huge fashion stage in the 70s; wearing daring clothes such as bright leg warmers, tights, sweat bands and tank tops. This has become a huge inspiration in Modern Britain for events such as fancy dress and even the No.1 hit theater production 'Fame'.
Of course the 60s is a huge deal for us vintage lovers, being that they were the creator of the mini skirt. I mean, who so you know that can actually live without a miniskirt? The 60s was even the decade where it became acceptable for females to wear trousers, thank God for that as I am in love with my palazzo trousers!
But, after this amazing invention from the swinging 60s, the 70s took this on board and topped it off the fashion scales by introducing the mini, the midi and the maxi.
The Seventies: A New Page in the History of Fashion
And oh for the love of SHOES! If it wasn't for the 70s we would have never had the genius invention of platform shoes! These are designed to point those pins out and don't we all like our pins to look gorgeous? So what would we do on a night out with out a good old pair of platforms- yes, they really are old, vintage in fact hence why we are ranting on :P Many designers have taken on this 70s invention and taken it to the extreme... Going more towards the stilts scale...
Of course it had to be Gaga taking it to the extreme ;)
The Seventies: A New Page in the History of Fashion
At Vinchi, we have a stunning collection of 1960s and 70s vintage wear, don't miss out!!!
Keep posted to see what's hot in the vintage shop.
Vinchi x

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