Hair & Beauty Magazine

The School Tag

By Dorkchops @dorkchopsworld


So Ellen tagged me to do this and of course, being the tag crazy person that I am, I definitely wanted to participate! I’ve also never seen this one around before but I thought it would be interesting to answer some questions that are different from the tags I’ve already done. =) I’m in university now so I’m going to answer the questions as though I’m a high school student again!

What is your favorite subject in school?
It was definitely Maths. I liked it a lot because there’s always a correct answer whereas in subjects such as English, how well you do depends on who marks your work and that really bothered me!

What is your least favorite subject in school?
I’ve never really absolutely hated a subject but I would probably say geography? I just didn’t really find it fascinating at all. =P

How many detentions have you had?
I’ve never had a proper detention before! I’ve had those minor ones in primary school where if you didn’t read enough books for the week, you’d have to sit in a room with other people during recess LOL.

Are you a class rebel or a teacher’s pet?
I wouldn’t say I’m one or the other. I would put myself in the middle!

What was your favorite year in school?
This is so hard! I really enjoyed most of high school except the final year. I would probably go with year 10? A lot of things happened that year but it was overall just such a fun time with all my friends!

What was your least favorite year in school?
Probably the final year, year 12! It was so stressful preparing for university entrance exams and I cut off a lot of social activities because of it, and I truly regret that so much now!

Who was your first friend in school?
My first friend in primary school was a girl called Uvrashi! She was my best friend at the time before I moved houses and schools. My parents actually told me that one time she bit my arm really hard so they got called in by the principal and my arm was really bruised and purple LOL. I had no idea about this until I was in high school!

Your most vivid school memory?
There’s so so many. I’ve had so many hilarious memories from high school. One memory was when we played ‘Silent Library’ during a photography class (we never did any work in that class haha) but it was the most hilarious thing ever. If you guys haven’t watched it before, definitely YouTube it! Japanese game shows are seriously so hilarious.

Who is your favorite teacher in school?
Our year advisor, Mrs Dickson. She was the biggest sweetheart, always caring and looking out for all of us. She also dedicated a day every month since year 7 (the first year of high school) where she would bake delicious cupcakes for everyone at the end of their birthday month!

Who is your least favorite teacher in school?
I wouldn’t want to say her name because I feel bad but she had a horrible temper. She was always angry and very mean! Everyone was always scared to even be in the same vicinity as her. She eventually left though!

Have you ever skipped class?
Not without my parents knowing! It was mainly on the last day of the term where we wouldn’t have been doing any work anyway.

What’s the biggest fad you’ve had in school?
In the beginning of high school, everyone was obsessed with using bags from Supre and I definitely fell into that fad. I remember buying clothes from the store just so I could get the bag that comes with all purchases!

Worst teacher joke ever?
What do you get when you mix sulfur, tungsten, and silver? SWAG. (Sorry, that was pretty bad…)

The School Tag
The School Tag
The School Tag

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