By Emmanuel Neretse

Presidents Joweri Museveni and Pierre Nkurunziza
The author of the following article makes an accurate analysis of the issue at hand, but fails to suggest solutions to the described situation. He proceeds like a specialist doctor who would undertake a profound diagnosis of an unhealthy body, correctly identifying the symptoms of the illness, but would stop there. Without enabling to prescribe the right medicine to stop the body from being completely destroyed, the diagnosis is only a half measure. The sick body could be thankful that it knows at least what it is suffering from. However, to recover from its illness and become healthy again, there are further steps that need being taken.

During a protest of mainly Congolese staged on 28.11.12 at the diplomatic representations of Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo in London days after the rebel group M23 had occupied Goma.
There are nations which historically have defeated western capitalism. Cuba, Vietnam and Afghanistan are examples which come to mind. A number of Latin American countries are ferociously proving to be at the forefront of fighting back at the hegemonic aspirations of capitalism in their spheres of influence. The problem is: what stops oppressed people from the Great Lakes region of Africa and others across the continent to learn from these other telling models of resistance to annihilation? Of course, there needs a sort of mental revolution enabling the brainwashed subjects to see clearly what is happening to them, and the process demands strong political and selfless leadership which has been lacking for decades. Unless this issue of leadership is addressed in one way or another, people will continue getting what they deserve. Enjoy the reading of the analysis of the “Rwandan model” as a roadmap to Pax Americana in Africa, by Emmanuel Neretse.
Original article in French, submitted for translation and editing by Jambonews
For many years, Western powers have constructed and implemented a particular political model in the Great Lakes Region that affects local societies negatively. This model is found explicitly in Rwanda and neighbouring countries and serves solely to protect the interests of self-regarding global West.
Definition and contours of the model
The Rwandan model consists of a regime imposed by force to the population of a given country and which must be maintained in order to establish a police state as a system of government. This is only possible under certain conditions: the ruling clique should not benefit any legitimacy except that of arms; hence the need to be over-armed and perpetually at war.
The regime uses misinformation of the international opinion so as to benefit from total impunity, which brandishes the “exceptional” character of this regime whenever its crimes are raised. Finally, the power initiators of this model should at all times ensure publicity of the regime by selling its image to the national media that is under its control and to international organizations.
In return, the superpowers that initiate such a regime reap large profits in terms of geopolitics. Indeed, after such a system has been installed, in any country, it is heavily indebted to the power that created it. Without any popular legitimacy, it must be maintained by force and it is the superpowers that must ensure its survival in this area.
For any form of media campaigns that could expose its crimes used to maintain its grip on the population can lead to its fall of power. As such, the superpowers have to constantly keep a controlling eye on its establishment and direct what must be said about the puppet regime it has installed. That is why such a regime, more precisely its quintessence, namely armed forces, is actually an appendage of the military superpower that installed it and has entrusted it with missions in the region and in the world where the same superpower no longer plans to send its own soldiers.
The initiators of the Rwandan model are the Anglo-Saxon powers, which since the fall of the Berlin Wall became the only leaders aboard the global ship. They then redrew the map of the world as it was to appear in the medium term, that is to say, in the 25-50 years to come, from the late 80’s
As for the African Great Lakes Region, it was decided that the countries would no longer be headed by leaders issued from popular majorities or charismatic personalities. As a result, minority groups in their respective countries or foreigners were successively risen to the pinnacle of power in these countries since the late 80’s.
In order to realize this plan and expand its area of domination, the leader of the Western superpowers, namely the US of America, have used the expertise of European countries that colonized these countries, allowing Americans to choose local players based on traditional antagonisms.
Great Britain focused on countries in Eastern Africa and the Horn of Africa while for the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi, the help of the former colonial power Belgium was sought.
Performers and local actors
Local actors are clearly identified and are conditioned to play their respective roles in order to support the implementation of power plan. First, a visible and welded minority group that aspires to power but would never have the opportunity to democratically access it according to societal course of events, is identified. It is then excessively publicized, financed and unreservedly armed until it appears as an inescapable force on the political and military scene.
Meanwhile, alongside the minority group, a political force is quickly established and strongly supported by the same superpowers. It consists of enemies of the people in power, often for reasons unrelated to politics, or criminals or suspected criminals who have every interest in seeing the regime fall. However, most often, ancestral antagonisms between the components of the population are then exacerbated to serve as a screen to the small group chosen by the superpowers to take power. The process is then presented as an internal struggle of social and political forces, some of which are presented as negative and others as progressive.
Pretext and coverage
Whatever regime is in power in the target country, it will be accused of massive violations of human rights, discrimination against ethnic minority and so on. In time, a rebellion will be launched from a neighboring country that will function as rear base and provide support in men and equipment. If the regime tries to resist the assault by defending tooth and nail, it will be accused of committing “genocide”, which in turn legitimizes its overthrow and the demonization of the majority of the population now doomed to submit to their new Masters.
Modus operandi
In order to impose the model set by the superpower and implanted in the countries or regions concerned, the new holder of power uses a comprehensive strategy that some analysts have described as “disinformation and strategy of chaos”.
Political analyst Patrick Mbeko developed this in an article published in June 10, 2012 by illustrating the case of Rwanda. He said: “The similarities between what is happening in Syria and what happened in Rwanda in the 90s are striking. In Rwanda, an international commission of inquiry, having spent two weeks in the country (of which only two hours in the area controlled by the RPF / RPA Kagame), ruled that the government of President Juvenal Habyarimana led a Hutu policy Genocide against the Tutsi minority. The problem, and this is what is amazing, is that some members of the Commission met with the RPF after it had taken power in July 1994! This puts the impartiality of the Commission during its investigations into question (…).
During the civil war that completely ravaged the country of the hills, the major Western media had constantly been praising Paul Kagame, the executing arm Anglo-Saxon powers (plus Belgium), describing him as a “democrat” who fights for freedom and democratization of Rwanda. Most crimes against civilians committed by clandestine cells of the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA) scattered throughout Rwandan territory were attributed to the Habyarimana government. As so aptly pointed out by Hureaux Roland, “Kagame even managed to massacre all the inhabitants of a region and then invite the international press, as naïve as always, to contemplate the harm he attributed to his opponent. “Was the press naive? Not so sure. They knew what they were doing, much like in the current Syrian case.
What is happening in this country? We are witnessing a destabilization operation fomented by Western strategists and headed by the Americans. The stakes are enormous.
I will not go into details. But like me, you have all found that most of the killings, if not all, are systematically attributed to President Assad Bachard. But these well-calculated killings are the work of the Free Syrian Army nebula (ASL), which consists of all sorts of terrorists backed by the West and the oil monarchies of the Gulf. (…)
Why does this model fascinate the US and its European allies?
The model fascinates superpowers in the sense that it meets all its conceptions of how Africa after the Cold War should be managed. Indeed, with this model, the United States no longer have to deal “diplomatically” with the plans of African countries, who, even the poor and weak ones today are sovereign countries with a seat at the United Nations.
For a country run by an unpopular minority imposing its law on the majority of the people by terror and who survives only by impunity and the blackout in the media about its crimes as guaranteed the United States, will be dedicated to the same United States and will feel like its colony. Its army will be a residual of US forces used to intervene in conflict regions of interest that the US wants to conduct without sending its GIs directly.
Previous successful hits of the model:
- Uganda: 1986
Taking advantage of the ensuing instability in the fall of the dictator Idi Amin and Milton Obote’s inability to impose its authority, the Anglo-Saxon powers opted for a strong military regime dominated by the minority Hima from southwestern Uganda and related to the Tutsi. They then armed and supported the so-called NRM rebellion led by Yoweri Museveni, a Ugandan Hima, whose fighters were mostly Tutsi Rwandans. Thereof they seized power in January 1986 and since then they have subjected the rest of the people of Uganda and throughout the region that are not related to them. They have done so with impunity and with the support of the powers that have promoted them while serving as auxiliaries in the region. The eradication of the French influence in the Great Lakes Region starting with Rwanda, controlling the wealth of Zaire (DRC), especially its eastern part until its secession and the dismemberment of Sudan appear to be the “road map “as drawn by Yoweri Museveni and his Tutsi fighters or affiliates in the region. It goes without saying that he is committed to fulfill his plans to near perfection.
- Ethiopia: 1991
In 1991, while taking advantage of the disastrous image that reflected the regime of Mengistu, Haile Mariam, also dubbed the “Red Negus’, the same superpowers designed, trained, equipped and financed a rebellion descending from the Tigrayan ethnic minority that quickly seized power in Addis Ababa led by Meles Zenawi. This minority, which constitutes less than 10% of the population of Ethiopia, was then promoted to dominate the major ethnic groups that are the Oromo and Amharic. Meanwhile, the Tigray army, an Ethiopian army equipped and trained by the US, received the task to intervene in the Horn of Africa to fulfill the tasks set by Washington. The Ethiopian army was then primarily assigned the task to contain the chaos in Somalia, and as such, the USA were not obliged to send their troops directly.
- Rwanda: 1994
In 1990, the Tutsi fighters who had seized power in Kampala in 1986 launched their mission to conquer the small, less defended Rwanda in addition to neighbouring Uganda which they had mastered with the help of the superpowers. After nearly four years of fierce resistance from the Rwandan Hutu government, the militia of the Tutsi minority backed by the West with its rear base in Uganda would master Rwanda in July 1994. Since then, the Tutsi minority that had been driven from power in 1959 by the People’s Revolution, regained the reign of the Hutu majority, that was again reduced to servitude in a controversial way. But from its conquest of Rwanda, the Tutsi militia returned to Uganda and was renamed APR (Rwandan Patriotic Army) as it began its mission to serve supplementary to US forces in the region under the cover of “Rwandan Army” . or “Rwanda Defence Forces”.
- DRC, former Zaire: 1997

Laurent Desire Kabila – Former DRC president
Continuing their momentum, Tutsi fighters who had conquered Uganda for a decade and Rwanda for 2 years, began the conquest of Zaire, the current Democratic Republic of Congo in 1996, , which they took over after an illuminate war that lasted only six months.
The means of sophisticated information made available by superpowers (UK, US and Belgium an international organizations) allowed them to locate and kill thousands of Hutu wherever they had fled for refuge in the equatorial Congolese jungle, a forest which was initially thought to be impenetrable.
Since that time, the Tutsi minority indirectly controls power in the vast country of the DRC with a population of more than 50 million people from over 200 ethnic groups.
To this end, successive “Tutsi rebellions” have been created from the eastern border with Rwanda, which serves as a rear base.
With absolutely no power and no will to subdue these rebellions, the regime in Kinshasa turned to the international community, which is composed of the same superpower. That is why, each time, the international community imposes the integration of different components of the rebellions into higher military and political bodies of power. As a result, “Congolese Tutsi” who do not even represent 1% of the total population and whom some people do not consider real Congolese, are more represented in the command of the army and the police, and in intelligence services of the central government than the rest of the nationals of the two hundred ethnic groups making up the Congolese population.
After this consecration, the army of the Tutsi minority in Rwanda will be elevated to the level of a “peacekeeper” in the region and throughout Africa and will be given the means to go and impose a “Pax Americana” in Sudan (Darfur) and southern Sudan. All of this will be donel under the United Nations banner and therefore on the costs of taxpayers’ worldwide.
Models in progress
In an article published on April 21, 2015, by journalist Marie Laure Cimpaye, the question arose whether the Rwandan model was not being imposed on Burundi.
Now, a few months later, it seems she was right. Indeed, Burundi, between April and May 2015, was the victim of a color revolution or regime change effort, orchestrated by the US, France and Belgium, which was to lead to a coup, that of Wednesday, May 13, 2015, which failed. Since August 2015, targeted assassinations against high Burundian personalities are organized from Kigali.
Battalions of the Rwandan army have been prepared to intervene directly in Burundi to reinforce the Burundian soldiers who would have won the plan of the coup. They already have a plan of occupying the country and neutralizing the Imbonerakure and police. The National Coalition that claims to uphold the Arusha Agreements, CNARED, is situated in Europe and is preparing for its deployment to the country as a transition government that will spontaneously be recognized by the USA, Belgium, France and the UK. This is the central subject of ongoing meetings in Brussels, Paris and Luxembourg according to the article of Cimpaye.
According to my information, there is no doubt that the plan of the assassination of President Nkurunziza has been finalized. Israeli bombings experts and snipers of Burundian and Rwandan elites have received the final adjustments. A sum of two million US dollars was invested in the plan. It is now the Mossad which controls and coordinates it from Kigali.
I asked our informant whether the Americans, after what happened in Rwanda in 1994, are ready to cause other massacres. He replied: “You are naive! The slaughter would target Hutus presented as Imbonerakure. They have already been demonized to the extent that it would the international opinion decades before discovering the fraud! With the failed attack against the chief of staff, the SNR has tracks on the sponsors of the attacks. The Western powers must step up a gear. It is already decided. That is why all members of the Government of CNARED were called in Europe. The camp of Radjabu was excluded because it was perceived to be close to the Islamists!
To cover their tracks, the Assistant Secretary of the USA in charge of security in Central Africa, was sent to Bujumbura to make believe that the government of Nkurunziza is urged to stop violence and dialog with the opposition. The Ambassador of the Netherlands in Burundi has made a courtesy visit to the Minister of Foreign Affairs to say that the envelope for good governance was maintained. In reality, this is a code to finance the opposition and support the institutions’ rollover plan considered contrary to the Arusha Agreement. Good governance is synonymous with reorganization of the elections even by a minority in the interests of Westerners.
What to do?
According to our informant, the Presidential Guard is being sought after. Former Vice President of the Constitutional Court has released a testimony written by a Belgian journalist. The story aims to show that he made the right choice and that he is happy and not haunted by his lies. It is a strategy to seduce those close to Nkurunziza, especially after the President of Burundi has tightened the security around him.
The commando of the West must succeed in finding a group that will agree to murder on large scale and whose dirty laundry will afterwards quickly be eliminated. This would be like the scenario of Laurent Désiré Kabila. Or satellites will continue to hunt down Nkurunziza and allow a lightning attack by a drone from Rwanda. As the president likes to stay in Ngozi, the task would be easy for a drone coming from Nyamata or Huye (Butare). Once the president has been assassinated, the Burundian soldiers benefitting from the plot would be eager to take on RTNB and a general (former member of CNDD FDD and now in exile) would call, along with another ex-FAB genera,l to calm the army while neutralizing the police and beating the Imbonerakure down. The putschists will then come out of the prison to the cheers of the inhabitants of Bujumbura as in the coup attempt of last May 13.
The US and Israel believe in the plan. London and Paris support it timidly. Belgium is 100% for it even though she would have preferred Nkurunziza to be captured and sent to The Hague as in the case of Laurent Gbagbo. For Nkurunziza, as others who have been detained by the Americans, follows a tragic end as that of Kadhafi.
Partial conclusion
The current Burundian President Pierre Nkurunziza is a martyr who has the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Any president, who is not from the minority chosen by the US and its subcontractors in the region, would suffer the same fate he is undergoing and would end like he will end, that is to say murdered.
Long term objectives
- Kenya
The fate of this country, once the largest economy of East Africa and an invaluable cultural crucible, is that one day too, it will be subjected to an armed group of ethnic minority. Therefore, the armed group will constantly need the financial and diplomatic support of the superpower to maintain and enjoy impunity as is the case in Rwanda since 1994.
- Tanzania
In order to be able to establish a real democracy in the region, Tanzania is the bane of the dictator installed in Kigali by the Anglo-Saxon powers. Also, the Rwandan minority has received the green light from these powers to destabilize, and if possible, install a regime similar to the one installed in Kigali 1994. For, thanks to the strategists of the Anglo-Saxon powers who create the same patterns in all regional countries, Tanzania’s military power is composed of people from the Tutsi minority, especially its security services (military, police, intelligence services) that are full of Tutsi officers who were introduced in favor of the generous naturalization that the country offered the Tutsi since the 1960’s.
The UK and US were left as the only masters of the world after the fall of the Berlin Wall with its allies, could not care less about the happiness and well-being of people around the world. In every region of the world, they have developed strategies to defend their interests and are making their law rule without qualms and without any consideration of the peoples concerned. In Central Africa, it is to promote minority regimes that could not hope to enjoy legitimacy and arm them and let them intimidate and enslave the inhabitants. In exchange they will be used as the armed wing of the superpowers in the region without being openly involved.
So, the “Rwandan model”, namely an unpopular and illegitimate minority regime that is over-armed and provided with amenities by the superpowers, that enjoys impunity for its crimes in the media as promoted by the propaganda services of the same power, still has until when Kagame will be in power, in 2034, to become widespread in Africa. This is in exchange for its total submission to the wishes of the superpower regarding its plan to redesign a given region.
Woe to the people who have found or will find themselves on the path of this “made in America” hurricane that has been crossing the Great Lakes region since the 1980s. Such was the case for the Amharic and Oromo in Ethiopia, the Baganda and Acholi in Uganda, the Hutu in Rwanda, the Bakongo, Gbandi, Baluba, Batetela, Nande, Hunde and Bashi in the DRC.
The same fate is being sealed to the Hutus in Burundi. This spell will also be sealed to the majority of the people of Kenya and Tanzania according to the geopolitical planning medium term of 50 years as initially established in the 80’s. Some have named this or will speak of it as the “Hima-Tutsi empire”. However, in practical terms, the Rwandan model was designed in the late 1980s, established in 1994 and has since then been imposed on all peoples of the region.
What salvation is there for these people? Can the tool trajectory that has been launched at their conquest and submission be bent? If so, by whom and how? By reflecting on this issue and trying to find answers to these questions, the people concerned are already showing a sign of a will to survive.