Hi mateys! If you’re seeing this tag on Wednesday then one of three things have happened: 1) Our internet hasn’t been connected yet, 2) I’m busy trying to organize the flat and haven’t had time to write up another post or 3) Yano… laziness.
I spied this over on Kristyn’s blog and she left it open so I thought why not! You guys should know by now that I can’t resist a good tag or two. If you haven’t checked Kristyn out yet I suggest you head on over and give her blog an oggle – she posts some smashing reviews!

Da Kwestchuns
1. Name a beauty regime that you rarely do?
Styling my hair! I use a pretty good shampoo/conditioner/treatment but when it comes to actually styling it I fail, and I fail hard. If I blow dry it I only ever do a rough dry – it’s so thick I just don’t have the energy or the willpower. I’m not joking when I say it takes 30-40 minutes to properly dry my hair. And 6 days out of 7 I’m working so it’s shoved up in a ponytail!
I’m not too bad with moisturising but I know I should probably do it more than I do… but I wouldn’t say that’s a major slacking department!
2. Is washing your make-up brushes something that you do regularly?
Haha… it’s so gross. I clean my eye brushes more than face brushes but that’s only because I only have three or four that I really like to use and I hate it when my eyeshadow looks ‘muddy’. I only tend to clean face brushes when I feel I’m getting more blemishes than usual… I’m disgusting and I am ashamed. I don’t think this tag was such a good idea after all…
3. How long will you last with chipped nail polish?
About 2.74 minutes. The only way I can ever have nice nails is if I have the fake ones gelled on (which I used to love!), otherwise I have no chance. My nails themselves are pretty strong but I find that no matter what polish or top coat I use I can’t go more than a day without some serious chipping. If I’m working they don’t last more than a few hours, and seeing as I work six days a week I just don’t bother with my nails!
My toe nails however are always painted. They obviously last quite a while but if I notice a chip the chances are they’ll be re-done within 24 hours.

4. How long will you put off buying/replacing a beauty product, even if you need it?
If it’s something that I use religiously like a brow product you better believe I’ve got my nose pressed against the door waiting for the store to open. If it’s something that I don’t mind substituting with another product, like primer for example, then I’ll wait until I next go for a browse.
5. What is your worst beauty habit?
Squeezing my spots! Ew. I know you shouldn’t but I just keep touching them as I drive around and they always feel huge and look horrible… I just get impatient! I’m also one of those weird people that loves popping spots. If I see someone with a spot I will 100% ask them if I can pop it. I’ve even watched spot popping videos on YouTube… I have issues.
6. Name something non-beauty related that you put off doing all the time?
Ironing. I never iron my clothes. Ever. But if you hang them to dry right then there’s no need!
7. When going out somewhere, do you leave getting ready to the last minute?
I’m usually pretty good with things like that and give myself enough time, but I find that it only takes me 20 minutes tops (not including showering) to get ready for pretty much any place I need to go.
8. Can you commit to spending bans?
LOL. I’d like to say that I tried, but I really didn’t. I said I was going to but I obviously really wanted whatever I broke the ‘ban’ for!
9. How organised is your make-up and nail polish collections?
Organised enough to not drive me crazy. I don’t have all my polishes in color order or anything but everything is in one place. Same goes for makeup – I keep everything in the same area but likewise products stick together.
I feel awkward after my ‘popping’ confession. Like… are we still friends? You can guarantee that I’ll never let you walk around with a big ol’ whitey on your chin. What more could you want from a friendship?! ;)
As Kristyn did I’m going to leave this tag open so give it a go if you feel so inclined! I’d love to see your answers so leave me a comment with a link to your post if you do – I can’t be the only one with a gross bad habit obsession… right?