Community Magazine

the Poor Cousin of Eating Disorders

By Survivingana @survivingana

The stats (from updated August 2012, USA)

.9% of women will struggle with anorexia
1.5% of women will struggle with bulimia
3.5% of women will struggle with binge eating

.3% of men will struggle with anorexia
.5% of men will struggle with bulimia
2% of men will struggle with binge eating

being eating disorder

See the pattern. Binge eating is the highest of all eating disorders. It is the one that most men and women will get, but it gets so little publicity or acknowledgement. It is not glamourous enough. The media is full of celebrities etc who come out about their anorexia or bulimia. Anorexia is the highest media push and the most ‘news worthy’. No one admits to binge eating, the media rarely report it. There are still medical websites that do not list binge eating as an eating disorder. Yet it affects so many more.

Binge eating is just as serious as other eating disorders. It is not the poor cousin, nor is it less dangerous. It comes with a myriad of health problems and can cause death. The mental and emotional symptoms of this illness are no different to the other eating disorders. There is still that wretched ED voice in your head. Self-hatred, shame, loathing, isolation, fear, etc are still all there. You need help and support just like the other eating disorders to break free. It is a mental health illness just like the other eating disorders.

Doctors can write it off loss of self-control, a need to diet or a joke. Family take not as much interest as to them it is also about eating fat foods and lacking self-control. A good read is also found at by Mollie Jones, a sufferer.

EDAW and anything that creates awareness of all eating disorders and the prevalence is needed. Ignorance and pushing information under the carpet is becoming a danger to those still or who will suffer an eating disorder.

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