Dating Magazine

The PLR Fairy Won’t Save You From Hell: Re-Writing Does Not Count.

By Kelly Speechless @KellySpeechless

Creative Writing Buying Then Trying?

Fictional Story Example of my objective in this post:

Story Time….

  • Sally Stick has a website and calls herself a writer. Sally is busy and has a day job like most people that isn’t apart of her status as a writer. Since she doesn’t have time to be a writer or write on her website she ponders on what to do..hmmmm
  • Sally Stick has a website/blog topic that requires a lot of content in order to even mildly succeed (all blogs and websites do where there is writing involved by a writer).
  • Sally Decides to buy “packages of other people’s written work on some promotional sale.” Since Sally will be re-writing these pieces before she puts them up, she considers her content, “unique.”

Think About This Concept: Do you think if Sally bought 100 PLR, or Public Label Rights; related pieces or articles for her website, how many of those did she fully re-word, re-write, into her own “writer,” voice? If she really did go in and re-write these pieces (assuming the content she bought was decent enough to use as a re-write) how much time did she save? Is it the time some of these “writers,” are after for their online dreams or is it lack of knowledge and/or talent?My Daydream Story Sequence Example:Me: (talking to myself) I know! Since I don’t like or know shit about power tools, I am going to make a website about that.End of website page text options:

  • This website is brought to you by Kelly, “The chick who knows her tools in the garage as well as in person.”

More Like:

  • Kelly is an online marketing enthusiast who finds or seeks content in different categories. Kelly’s boyfriend is obsessed with tools and most of them are in boxes. His garage looks like it is owned by Tim the   Taylor. If you have a question fill out the form: Ask The Tool Collector. If my boyfriend answers your question I hope it helps but can’t promise anything. All his tools are in boxes like his baseball memorabilia, so it’s your call.

The PLR Fairy Won’t Save You From Hell. If someone told me I would have to start a blog like this, but about new forms of mathematical data equations or engineering obvious pre-requisites for area within the field. you bet your ass I would have to buy or hire writers to put up material. You know why? Because I am horrible at Math, and even if I was great at Math I don’t know anything about updated equations. I don’t know what kind of engineering prerequisites are generally understood within each different sector. Writing well is a great start but what you are writing has to be something in your mind! Isn’t writing executing words in your mind to paper, key, voice?This won’t affect me because I write my own blog and all the content is written by me. I take my own pictures, and write all of it. Isn’t a blog about making it yours and if it is shitty or great at least you own your own shit. They should call bloggers and marketers who promise the searcher an answer, providing bull shit and then a little income on the way to more BS answers different names. I hate the name blogger too though. So, I guess I write a blog and while I don’t knock how you make your money, you should define yourself by what you truly are. Example: Today I was a bitch for four hours and now I am in a good mood. I have a job that allows me to live and I write a blog without driving it with the motivation of money.

Marketing for your blog and calling yourself a writer.

  • Marketing-We all know the difference between having normal marketing to get some viewers to start seeing your content.
  • Carnival Ride Sales-”Marketing individuals who often call themselves writers or bloggers.

So once upon a time a smart guy named Mark decided to try his hand at getting others to view certain links online by creating the destination to those links. That process and technical upkeep needs a smart guy like Mark who knows technical entities to pull this off.

How Mark makes you stupid and himself a nice income stream from being an expert..but not really…

  1. You Google search: How to get over a guy?
  2. Mark has created a ton of destination that your question has to choose from in order to get an answer.
  3. You click on many it seems, and wonder why it takes so long if the question is in the search title as if the answer is only one click away?
  4. As you go through 50 clicks Marks glass jar is making a “clink,” sound as dollar metal coins drop in his jar.
  5. After no answer to your question, and having to go though and read some pretty wasteful bullshit, offers to pay to get your answer through a weird seminar, you are tired. The next day you do this again.

Who writes Mark’s bull shit content? Have you ever heard the term “make money selling articles online?” I don’t do this because I don’t want Mark having his hands on my work which he would have to edit and take out the answers because my questions always have answers.

Is Mark Going To Hell?Maybe but not for his online gigs here. He is good at what he does and makes money doing it. Mark just shouldn’t call himself a blogger or creator of content even though he buys the rights to others work to do so.How to avoid websites where the content is not even written by the obvious site owner?Contact or comment: Hey did you write all your articles or did you use a PLR service for any other them?If you don’t get an answer, ask again. Most likely if you do not get a response than the answer is no, and even if they just ignore you just to ignore you then you don’t want to read their shit anyway because they don’t care about readers either.

Own your shit for real.I write all my own content. That doesn’t make me a better writer, “blogger” or person. I don’t feel that my content or morality is is above the standards of purchasing rights for others content. Personally, as a writer I can’t correlate the part about cashing in without having to write the work yourself. The point is that calling yourself a writer who writes posts on a blog or website isn’t very truthful if you don’t write the full material.I Written Good, Bad, Ugly, Still Unsure, Pieces of Work-I own the good and the bad because writers shouldn’t be able to miss the part where it’s hard sometimes.I own my shit and when I get a comment that thanks me for creating good content on an article I feel as though it’s deserved. I also feel criticism from some of my work was more than fair.

Beleive It Or Not There Is Also A Positive To All Of This: Since the writing aspect and creativity of these marketing computer experts who call themselves “writers,” aren’t getting any better at actual creative aspects of writing there is more room for talent to be something unique. Mistakes also equal growth in writing and is a never-ending process. Mark can’t reflect on what he should have added to make his main characters best friend more memorable, or that he needs to write his non fiction articles about women by creating a new concept or audio post addition to elaborate. Mark’s work was written by Lucille Porter a teacher from North Dakota, or in some cases people who don’t even live in the same country.Again, I get why people make money this way. If I was good at it, a technical badass, and saw that the income was double my what my salary reflects, I would be in. Except, I would not call myself a writer and never ever sell my work.

Blame It On The Alcohol or Blame It On The PLR?Fictional Story Example.“Once upon a time in a land not so far from a Chick Fila…..”About Tim:

  • (Tim uses PLR or written content from another source for his website. You can assume or not assume he rewrites all of his material. If he was asked in the applicable situation, he would say that if he purchased content it was re-written.)
  • (Tim did write the individual pages for contact information and policies. Tim also designed the site and did 100% of the work monetizing, SEO – the whole deal.)
  • (Tim follows the rules as when it comes to technical or advertising. He is loose on the purchased content rules but not overly taking advantage of what would be considered above the average usage implementing options.)

Scene-Location: Long line inside of Chick Fila.

Tim Get’s Bad Feedback.

  • Reader: “Hey man your stuff sucks. What are even talking about anyway?”
  • Tim: “Look man I bought those articles cheap. I didn’t write that shit, man. I get one hundred dollars a month for that shit. That includes any fees.”
  • R: “I thought you were a writer?”
  • T: “I am I just didn’t write that shit. I write other stuff.”

Time Get’s Good Feedback.

  • Reader: “Hey man your stuff is dope! I know what you’re talking about!”
  • Tim: “Thanks man. I appreciate you checking it out!”
  • R: “Yea no problem. You’re a good writer.”
  • T: “Thanks!”

I can’t blame my work on PLR, or accept praise for work I didn’t create. Why? Because I thought the whole point of writing was to write! What do you think about this topic? 

Disclaimer: This is my opinion and based on certain aspects within the topic that could or could not be correct. This content should only be considered a person’s view or gut feeling associated with the posed topic. For answers or resources that will provide concrete answers in a definitive or proven manner-please do not consider this site in anyway a representation of that notion. My use of PLR is loosely based on the opinion or similar to that affect of opinion I write about in this piece. -KS November 2012.There numerous applicable circumstances when purchasing content is perfectly sensible. In this post I am referring strictly to those who pose as experts in a certain area, or those who gear towards more creative writing elements. This doesn’t apply to all people who purchase rights to content and use or re-write for use. 

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