Lifestyle Magazine

The Place. The Photography. And Oh, the Glamour…

By Claire

Cheshire wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers Vick­er­staff Pho­tog­ra­phy — or Jamie and Tory as you may know them if you fol­low Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog here or on face­book — are mak­ing waves in wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy. A vibrant and cre­ative team, they’re lovely peo­ple and the images you’re about to see are sim­ply breathtaking.

How­ever… I have my instruc­tions to stop talk­ing and to hand over to Tory to tell you about the shoot! So here you go — enjoy!

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Heads turned to cam­era. BIG cheesy grin. ‘Thank you Claire, we’ll take it from here…’

We are Tory and Jamie of Vick­er­staff Pho­tog­ra­phy, we are a cou­ple, a team, a pho­tog­ra­pher, and a lover of all things wed­dingy. Not want­ing to go on too much about us, you can read more here Vick­er­staff Pho­tog­ra­phy Showcase

The idea for the shoot spi­ralled from one of our wed­dings (an Eng­lish rose and a Ukran­ian sun­flower!) being fea­tured on this lovely blog. This resulted in the Place Hotel invit­ing us to their wed­ding shows, and meet­ing with the lovely Deb­bie from Glam­our Bridal. After a cup of tea, we both had had an idea of organ­is­ing a cre­ative shoot at the rather amaz­ing and breath­tak­ing venue the Place Hotel. After sev­eral tweets later (with my phone buzzing con­stantly unable to keep up with the vol­ume of tweets passed) the shoot was organ­ised, and we had some amaz­ing sup­pli­ers on board!!

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Place Hotel wedding photography (14)

The day itself was great fun for all of us. We love wed­dings and the buzz and excite­ment of the day is fab, but for this shoot we had the whole day, two brides (mod­els) to play around with in a fan­tas­tic venue.

All of us involved hit it off straight away dur­ing a morn­ing cuppa (notice a theme here?!!) As the girls cooed over the amaz­ing dresses, the lux­u­ri­ous pent­house suite and flow­ers, Jamie bus­ied him­self with the finer details — the hair acces­sories and the sur­round­ings of the suite.

Even after shoot­ing all day we man­aged to run out of time (the Place Hotel has soo much to offer).

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A MASSIVE thank you to Deb­bie at Glam­our Bridal, Jo at One Beau­ti­ful Day and Sarah and Rebecca at Phi­los­o­phy Flow­ers for giv­ing up their time to make this shoot some­thing really spe­cial. And not for­get­ting what a fand­abby job both Becky and Gwen did in front of the cam­era, hold­ing their poses and gen­er­ally work­ing the cam­era beau­ti­fully!“
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Glam­our Bridal & Prom Ltd, Bolton

Hav­ing met Jamie & Tory a few times at the wed­ding fayres hosted by The Place Hotel, I was delighted to work with them on this shoot and in such an amaz­ing venue. I have enjoyed every visit to The Place as part of the wed­ding fayres, putting on cat­walks and exhibiting.

Work­ing with Jamie & Tory was an absolute plea­sure and I was imme­di­ately struck by how organ­ised and pro­fes­sional they were in all the plan­ning and prepa­ra­tion for the shoot. They both ensured that all the sup­pli­ers involved were con­sulted as the kind of shots we would like to show­case our work and I think they did us all proud as well as them­selves. The dra­matic back­drops of the city cen­tre sky­line as well as the nat­ural light that pours into the hotel through the atrium roof has resulted in some truly stun­ning images. I am sure that The Place will be delighted with them and will make for an excel­lent rep­re­sen­ta­tion of what their venue offers to cou­ples on their spe­cial day.

I would like to say thank you to two of my fab­u­lous design­ers Amanda Wyatt and Char­lotte Bal­bier who kindly lent us some of their pre­vi­ously unseen gowns from their upcom­ing 2013 col­lec­tions to fea­ture in the shoot. The diver­sity of styles fea­tured on the shoot just goes to show that many styles of gown are appro­pri­ate at this kind of venue from lace chic to full skirted princess gowns.

Thank you to Joanne of One Beau­ti­ful Day Make-Up who trans­formed Becky & Gwen into our brides for the day, pro­vid­ing both hair and make-up and also to the tal­ented Rebecca and Sarah of free­lance florist con­sul­tants Phi­los­o­phy Flowers.”

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Phi­los­o­phy flow­ers, Ather­ton, Manchester

We were very excited to be work­ing again with Glam­our Bridal and to work for the first time with Vick­er­staff Pho­tog­ra­phy and the The Place. Being famil­iar with Debbie’s style of gowns we were able to cre­ate two beau­ti­ful bou­quets to com­pli­ment the shoot. We first worked on a con­tem­po­rary trail­ing white den­dro­bium orchid bou­quet with but­ter­fly detail. This style of bou­quet suits sim­ple ele­gant gowns and the but­ter­fly details pro­vides an ele­ment of delicateness.

The sec­ond bou­quet we pro­vided for the shoot was a handtie of blush pink amne­sia roses and stocks. Our aim was to fuse vin­tage inspi­ra­tions with chic design to cre­ate a bou­quet that will com­pli­ment most styles of wed­ding gown…..with the added bonus of an amaz­ing fra­grance!

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One Beau­ti­ful Day

Joanne is a free­lance make-up artist and beauty ther­a­pist in the North West, spe­cial­is­ing in bridal, fash­ion and occa­sion make-up. Joanne has received pro­fes­sional train­ing in all aspects of beauty ther­apy and has worked in beauty salons for sev­eral years. Joanne’s make-up kit con­tains pro­fes­sional, high qual­ity prod­ucts that look fan­tas­tic both in pho­tographs and in real life. Your wed­ding make-up will feel light and last all through the day and night.

More to come tomorrow…

There is more to come from this shoot in the morn­ing — with beau­ti­ful images of The Place Hotel and more about Tory and Jamie from Vick­er­staff Pho­tog­ra­phy. If you love great pho­tog­ra­phy, and espe­cially if you’re a Man­ches­ter bride or groom — check back tomor­row to see The Place Hotel as you’ve never seen it before.

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