FIRST FIVE: Jim Carter, Phyllis DiCesare, Karen Heniger, Bobby Aguilera, & Justin Jones
Honorable Mention: Dani JackelFriday's Cable Top 5 USA Movie-USA .9/2.2
WWE Friday Night Smackdown-Syfy .9/2.8
American Dad-Adult Swim .7/1.7
Jessie-Disney .7/4.7
TBS Prime Movie-TBS .6/1.0
Sunday's Broadcast Top 5
Sunday Night Football-NBC 7.4/18.2Football Night in America-NBC 4.5/12.1
Football/60 Minutes-CBS 6.4/20.6
60 Minutes/Big Brother-CBS 2.8/10.9
The Simpsons-FOX 2.3/5.9
Sunday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5 Sunday Night Football-NBC 426,292
Miss America-ABC 414,726Big Brother-CBS 60,488
Mira Quien Baila-Univision 58,306
The Simpsons-FOX 27,541
Sunday's Cable Top 5
NA Officially, but we know that Breaking Bad was the BIG winner!Sunday's Cable Trendrr Top 5
Breaking Bad-AMC 827,027MLB Baseball-Multiple Networks 98,678
Dexter-Showtime 62,529
Total Divas-E! 46,036
Newsroom-HBO 34,012
Under the Dome
SPOILER ALERT! The Under the Dome finale last night left me really angry...the dome is still up! Were we supposed to be happy with just the mini domes demise? Was that supposed to satisfy me? The egg exploded with pink stars that went up and then did in fact fall down so Junior, Angie, Nori and Joe's prediction did come true, but we still have NO idea what any of it all means. Are aliens involved? I think so. Barbie/Jack Bauer was left standing there at the end with a noose around his neck. I thought that Barbie/Jack was the monarch, but it was Julia who took to her new title pretty quickly. Gotta admit, it was nice to see Big Jim/Hank alive and well even though he's a pretty bad dude in this show. Apparently he knew about the pink stars because his crazy wife used to talk about them and paint them and think about them all the time before they drove her mental. Can you imagine what life inside the Renny house must have been like? The three of them are all so insane. I'm not a big Stephen King fan, and this show is exactly why. Crazy unexplainable stuff that would probably send me over the edge if I read it all. What must life be like at Stephen's house? He's got some wild ideas going on in that head of his. Well...it was a fun Summer Under the Dome and now I have to wait a long time to find out what happens to all those peeps in Chester's Mill.Newsroom
The season finale of Newsroom was REALLY good. SPOILER ALERT: I was again concerned that we'd all be bored with the final episode because we knew who won the 2012 election. We also knew that there was no way Will, Mac and Charlie would resign or get fired because HBO already renewed Newsroom for a 3rd season. So how in the world would Aaron keep us interested? Have faith in Aaron I told myself and of course I was right. First, he got us to care about a tiny election in Michigan, then he finally revealed what happened to Maggie's hair which I've been consumed with all season. He shocked us with the big reveal that Don was Sloan's anonymous book buyer and then got me BIG time with Will's awesome marriage proposal to Mac. So it really didn't matter at all that Obama won the election, we didn't need to care about that. There was a lot of other little things that were still fun. Neil's obsession with Mac's Wikipedia page, Jane Fonda ( I just cannot get over how gorgeous she looks-Ted's gotta be kicking himself), Lisa and Maggie's reconciliation, the back and forth between Will and Taylor at the news desk, and the fact that Jim and Meryl Streep's daughter talked to each other way too much on Skype and never used headphones which makes NO sense at all. Looking forward to Season 3 Aaron.
News & Information:
-Final numbers aren't in yet but Sunday nights episode of Breaking Bad delivered a record breaking 6.4 million viewers and a 3.2 RA 18-49 which was the number one show on all of television if you don't count football.
-Add CBS to the list of networks making their new Fall shows available early on their digital platforms. Beginning yesterday, CBS was offering viewers a Pre-Premiere of their new show We Are Men on CBS.com and the CBS App, 2 weeks prior to its official broadcast debut on 9/30. I was thinking...I'm sure the networks are doing this with hopes that early sampling of all of these new shows will generate good buzz and more viewers, but, it could backfire. Viewers could sample the show, and kill it before it even airs on 9/30. Maybe the nets need to get their back up plans ready just in case.
-Teresa Giudice must be FREAKING out right now. Of all the NJ Housewives to get a spinoff, who'd have thought that it would be Caroline Manzo and her family. Bravo gave word that menopausal Mom, Caroline and the whole family will be moving forward with a pilot called Manzo'ed with Children. I'm hoping that we get to see more of Caroline's family and not just miserable Lauren and her brothers, because I'm already bored with all of them.
-Does anyone out there have the new Pivot network? I don't think I do. I keep l looking for it on Optimum but we don't have it yet. I read yesterday that the Millenial targeted network has a new advertiser in Monster.com and they have a great idea for the job-search site. Since finding a job is a BIG worry for the networks 18-34 year old demo, Monster.com and Pivot are joining together to find an associate producer for Pivot's Take Part Live show. Pretty cool right?
-Quick update on last weeks daytime and late night program debuts. Bethenny did okay. She averaged a .8 for the week against Households which is down 20% from her lead in and down 20% vs. the time period from September of 2012. Against W25-54 numbers were flat across the board. Arsenio on the other hand did really well in his late night debut last week with a .7 against RA18-49 which was a tie with Jay Leno for the week. Very interesting. I don't want to say "I knew it" but...I did! I figured Arsenio would start out strong. Let's see how he progresses as things level out. Late Night's getting VERY competitive, wait til Feb when my FBFF joins the crew at 11:30pm.
-I noticed something very odd about myself last night. I tried to watch the new Netflix show, Derek starring Ricky Gervais. I lasted less than 5 minutes. This happened with the Hulu shows Moone Boy and Run also. What do these all have in common? They are all British shows, but that can't be it because I love Downton Abbey and that's a British show. I think in general it's the accent/humor combo. Downton is a drama, but the others are all comedies. I struggle with the accent/humor combo big time and I know it must say something about my character, but I'm struggling with the story and then their's nobody yummy to look at, so, I'm out. So...I tried, I really did but Derek's a no for me.
-SNL announced 6 new cast members yesterday, the only one I've seen before is the AT&T guy who sits around the table and interviews the kids. The rest are more unknown than that guy, so it's going to be an interesting season. I'm already missing Stefon, hopefully Bill Hader will host the show or something and bring the guy back.
-Ever sit around and wonder what Andrea Zuckerman aka Gabrielle Carteris is doing these days? I don't, but I just read she's looking to score the EVP gig for SAG/AFTRA. Nice to know she's out there doing something and not just writing for a school newspaper somewhere.
-I don't watch Dancing with the Stars but for those of you that did, let me know what you thought about their new real-time Facebook activation. The show is the first to broadcast real-time Facebook convos and social data snap shots during the entire broadcast. Just curious if you felt it was engaging and enjoyable or a complete distraction. Fill me in.
Tuesday's Trivia Question: 25 years ago, in 1988, this show won the Emmy for Best Drama. It was on Tuesday nights on ABC and starred a bunch of unknown actors trying to figure stuff out. WWTM-Kristy Like me on Facebook at Watching Way Too Much Follow me on Twitter at watchingwaytoomuch@tvnme http://watchingwaytoomuch.com [email protected]