Lifestyle Magazine

The Only Thing in the World Lovelier Than a Rainbow?

By Claire

Today’s Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog fea­ture is all about love and rain­bows. Lovely Laura from Per­fect Choice Plan­ning got in touch to share this amaz­ing inspi­ra­tion shoot with me and I was hooked instantly. The images are divine, it fea­tures one of my favorite wed­ding indus­try friends Beth from Cakes by Beth, and the brides in the shoot are a real life cou­ple -  their images have an exquis­ite tingly qual­ity you’ll love!

Rainbow wedding inspiration Emma B Photography (13)

Photo credit

Laura tells us more about the shoot: “The theme is ele­gant, mod­ern, eclec­tic with a sub­tle rain­bow theme run­ning through­out it, and it fea­tures same-sex cou­ples. This is some­thing that myself and my very good pho­tog­ra­pher friend Emma B Pho­tog­ra­phy had been think­ing about doing since before Christ­mas but when the same-sex mar­riage law started going through Par­lia­ment, we thought it would be the per­fect time to do this shoot.

rainbow wedding inspiration by Jay Photographic (1)

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rainbow wedding inspiration by Jay Photographic (3)

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The sup­pli­ers involved in the day were amaz­ing and I’m so pleased at the out­come, I think you’ll love it too. The female mod­els involved were actu­ally a real-life cou­ple which made them such a plea­sure to shoot on the day.”

Rain­bow wed­ding inspi­ra­tion shoot at Mit­ton Hall — Per­fect Choice Planning

Rainbow wedding inspiration Emma B Photography (1)

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Rainbow wedding inspiration Emma B Photography (2)

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Rainbow wedding inspiration Emma B Photography (3)

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Rainbow wedding inspiration Emma B Photography (4)

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Rainbow wedding inspiration Emma B Photography (5)

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Rainbow wedding inspiration Emma B Photography (6)

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Rainbow wedding inspiration Emma B Photography (7)

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Rainbow wedding inspiration Emma B Photography (8)

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Rainbow wedding inspiration Emma B Photography (9)

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Rainbow wedding inspiration Emma B Photography (10)

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Rainbow wedding inspiration Emma B Photography (11)

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Rainbow wedding inspiration Emma B Photography (12)

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The story behind the inspi­ra­tion shoot

Plan­ning a pho­to­shoot is just like plan­ning a wed­ding or any other event; there is a time limit to con­tact and con­firm all your sup­pli­ers, there is the main theme (or not) to think about and style, rela­tion­ships to build, emails to send, and the result that takes place on the day is just as excit­ing. Pho­to­shoots are a great way for indus­try sup­pli­ers to net­work, gain new con­tacts and work together to cre­ate amaz­ing images for pro­mo­tion, and I’m always on the look out for excit­ing shoot ideas to bring to life!

Emma from Emma B Pho­tog­ra­phy and I had the idea for this pho­to­shoot for a while, but it only took about 6 weeks to bring together. We both wanted to style a shoot that focuses on same-sex cou­ples in a widely unex­plored indus­try mar­ket and when the gay mar­riage law started being dis­cussed in Par­lia­ment, we thought this is the time to do it.

gay wedding ideas Jay Photographic

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gay wedding ideas Jay Photographic

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gay wedding ideas Jay Photographic

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A rain­bow theme with fash­ion styling

The aim of the shoot was to cre­ate a beau­ti­ful and visu­ally stun­ning styled shoot sur­round­ing a male and a female same-sex cou­ple with a rain­bow color scheme run­ning through that wasn’t inva­sive or over the top. We didn’t want it to be seen as tacky or stereo­typ­i­cal, but to do some­thing that all brides and grooms could look at and love for the whole style. It was decided that the color scheme would reflect the rain­bow flag asso­ci­ated with the gay com­mu­nity, with a high fash­ion but attain­able styling concept.

Rainbow wedding styling ideas Emma B Photography

Pho­tog­ra­phy credit

Rainbow wedding styling ideas Emma B Photography

Pho­tog­ra­phy credit

Rainbow wedding styling ideas Emma B Photography

Pho­tog­ra­phy credit

Rainbow wedding styling ideas Emma B Photography

Pho­tog­ra­phy credit

Rainbow wedding styling ideas Emma B Photography

Pho­tog­ra­phy credit

Rainbow wedding styling ideas Emma B Photography

Pho­tog­ra­phy credit

Rainbow wedding styling ideas Emma B Photography

Pho­tog­ra­phy credit

Emma says: “The idea of this shoot first came about over tea and cake when Laura and I got together for a brain­storm­ing ses­sion. We agreed that nei­ther of us had seen a shoot based around civil part­ner­ships and same sex mar­riage, and that it would be fun to try it out, par­tic­u­larly with the recent devel­op­ments in mar­riage laws. We wanted to keep the style of the shoot quite under­stated and chic whilst still hav­ing a fun edge… with­out being a big tacky cheese-fest! After that orig­i­nal dis­cus­sion which sparked the idea we then set up a Pin­ter­est board to col­lect inspi­ra­tion, and from there onwards Laura worked so hard pulling together all the ideas and sourc­ing suppliers.”

Rainbow wedding styling

Pho­tog­ra­phy credit

Rainbow wedding styling

Pho­tog­ra­phy credit

Rainbow wedding styling

Pho­tog­ra­phy credit

Cre­ative wed­ding sup­pli­ers to check out

And so the organ­is­ing began. To date, I have to say I think this is my favorite shoot that I have organ­ised and the results are incred­i­ble! Emma B is an out­stand­ing pho­tog­ra­pher who always takes the most beau­ti­ful images that you imme­di­ately fall in love with. I also have the plea­sure of hav­ing her as a great friend out­side of the indus­try, and can per­son­ally vouch what a friendly and lovely per­son she is! There was a worry that she wouldn’t make it on the day as she was poorly, how­ever, she appeared and lasted all day – trooper!

Jonty from JAY Pho­to­graphic Images came to the shoot quite late – we were email­ing about the arrange­ments late on the evening before but I’m so glad that he was avail­able, mak­ing a per­fect addi­tion like the last puz­zle piece. As you can see for your­self, Jonty brings the beauty and skill of a very tal­ented pho­tog­ra­pher, not to men­tion gad­gets, giz­mos and some inno­v­a­tive tech­niques with reflection!

The day started out with sun­shine, how­ever it wasn’t long before the threat­en­ing clouds made an appear­ance and opened above us. We had done a good por­tion of exte­rior shots and, for­tu­nately the venue has so many fan­tas­tic areas inside that we had too much to choose from! It was also an added bonus that there was a car rally with vin­tage and clas­sic cars, which we used to our advan­tage in some out­door shots! The sun even reap­peared for the final part of the day.

Our hair and make-up artist for the day was the ever-talented Nita from Silk Make Up. Nita has the abil­ity to know exactly what you want and used her own cre­ativ­ity to expand on my ideas for the shoot. From her work­ing on one of my pre­vi­ous pho­to­shoots I knew that she would deliver and she did just that; a fan­tas­tic job, bring­ing to life every­thing I had envis­aged for the day, and then more.

The gor­geous dresses, suits, head­pieces and jew­ellery were sup­plied by Gill & Georgina from Dream­catcher Bridal in Kirkham, who were won­der­ful to work with and so accom­mo­dat­ing at every point. The stun­ning dresses fit the ele­gant, eclec­tic and high-fashion style that we wanted for the shoot, part­nered with the beau­ti­ful acces­sories. Our male cou­ple also wore styl­ish and top qual­ity suits from Dream­catcher with colour­ful cra­vats to set off the rain­bow color scheme.

The impres­sive cake was cre­ated by Cakes By Beth. A super-talented, artis­tic baker and a fab­u­lous per­son to boot, this impres­sive fea­ture cake high­lighted the rain­bow color scheme and added to the ele­gant styling behind the shoot. With muted rain­bow icing flow­ers set off by the white ruffed back­ground, this cake cer­tainly got a lot of atten­tion at the venue through­out the day!

Rain­bow wed­ding ideas for you to cut out and keep!

In addi­tion to the eye-catching cake, I wanted to show how real brides can keep a color scheme run­ning through their wed­ding with­out break­ing the bank. For this I added brightly coloured sweets such as rain­bow drops, dolly mix­ture, fizzy rib­bons and snow­ball but­tons to wine glasses and cock­tail glasses. These would be great if used for table cen­tres, dec­o­ra­tion or even favours and place set­tings – and you’ll be able to enjoy eat­ing them after­wards as we did!

The visu­ally stun­ning bou­quets and but­ton­holes were cre­ated by Mat from Red Flo­ral Archi­tec­ture. I think a com­ment from one of the mod­els really sums up his work: “You can see why he is a flo­ral archi­tect – these are just incred­i­ble pieces of work!” The designs cre­ated by Red Flo­ral never dis­ap­point and always have peo­ple star­ing in awe at such mag­nif­i­cent cre­ations, which suited the shoot perfectly.

The unique umbrel­las were sup­plied by Love Umbrel­las. Not only are these a great fea­ture for any wed­ding, they are extremely afford­able and water­proof too – per­fect for the unpre­dictable British weather! I am a proud Love Umbrel­las owner and have attracted many looks and com­ments of awe and intrigue wher­ever I go.

Of course, our amaz­ing venue for the day was Mit­ton Hall Hotel near Clitheroe. Hav­ing worked at one of its sis­ter venues, Eaves Hall, I didn’t think I would ever love a venue more and yet when I walked through the entrance into Mit­ton Hall, it just took my breath away. The feel­ing of grandeur and style is impos­si­ble to escape and the venue has every­thing to offer; fan­tas­tic food, com­fort­able accom­mo­da­tion, avant garde bar area, spa­cious func­tion room, gor­geous con­ser­va­tory, out­stand­ing grounds – I could go on! If you are read­ing this and you haven’t yet booked your venue then I urge you to seek out Mit­ton Hall and see if it’s your per­fect venue.

Emma says: “The shoot went amaz­ingly well! All of the sup­pli­ers worked very hard to cre­ate a hugely suc­cess­ful day. They were pro­fes­sional, friendly and extremely tal­ented. Mit­ton Hall were the per­fect host, pro­vid­ing us with refresh­ments and let­ting us roam around their beau­ti­ful venue all day, totally undis­turbed. And our mod­els did a fan­tas­tic job of both being posed and also inter­act­ing nat­u­rally. I’m so pleased with my images from the day… lots of beau­ti­ful moments, and the sun even made an appear­ance too! I’ve also had a peek at Jonty’s shots and they are amaz­ing! It was great to work with him as always and I think our images com­pli­ment each other well.

Laura from Per­fect Choice Plan­ning did a fan­tas­tic job of organ­is­ing every­thing… from scout­ing venues, book­ing mod­els and sup­pli­ers, plan­ning dress fit­tings, right down to the last rain­bow drop and party ring. She is a plea­sure to work with and is def­i­nitely one of the most organ­ised peo­ple I know!”

Finally I would like to thank our won­der­ful mod­els of the day; Peter, Ben and real-life cou­ple, Vicky and Gemma. You could see how ner­vous they all were on the day but once they’d relaxed and let the nerves drain away, became nat­u­rals in front of the cam­era. They lis­tened per­fectly to what Emma, Jonty and I all asked of them and did a bril­liant job. Addi­tion­ally, I want to thank my friend Mark (who has also mod­elled for me pre­vi­ously so knew how the day went) and my OH, Matt for being excel­lent help­ing hands on the day.

Organ­i­sa­tion, styling & shoes: Per­fect Choice Plan­ning
Venue: Mit­ton Hall Hotel
Pho­tog­ra­phers: Emma B Pho­tog­ra­phy and JAY Pho­to­graphic Images
Hair & MUA: Silk Make-Up
Dresses, Suits & Acces­sories: Dream­catcher Bridal
Bou­quets & But­ton­holes: Red Flo­ral Archi­tec­ture
Large cake: Cakes By Beth
Umbrel­las: Love Umbrel­las

On the day help: Matt and Mark
Model: Gemma, Vicky, Peter and Ben.

And the only thing in the world love­lier than a rainbow?

… is falling in love with the same per­son over and over again every sin­gle day when you wake up. Best feel­ing in the world

Claire x

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