Food & Drink Magazine

The Next 14 Months

By Lilveggiepatch @Lilveggiepatch

Most of the weekend was spent doing this:

working saturday

That’s right… from now until… forever?… it’ll be all research and writing all the time.  My midterms blend seamlessly into finals, so from now until the end of May I’ll have my nose to the grindstone.  I will admit that I have a very hard time focusing and writing papers, which is kind of funny because my undergrad degree is in English, and Social Work also requires a lot of writing!  The good news is that I find the material incredibly interesting, so that helps a bit.

Sometimes I really wish I didn’t have the internet, though…. I probably can make better use of my time than finding out which celebrity I look like.  (Sam Rockwell?  I’ll take it!)

celebrity lookalike

Because of all my work, B and I spent our nights in (even though we have friends visiting who are doing super fun things I would have loved to jump in on!).  Saturday was pizza night:

udi's gf pizza crust
 Roasted vegetables/mozzarella/homemade tomato sauce on one half, olive/feta on the other; made using Udi’s gluten free pizza crust

Some other mental breaks:

I was reading this book, and was about halfway through, when the loan expired from the library.  I love having an iPad (as a die-hard paper lover, I never thought I’d utter those words), but the only problem with digital loans is you can’t renew them!  Anyway, this book really hits you in the gut.  Writer Katherine Boo spent time in the slums of Mumbai while writing this work of literary nonfiction, and it is very, very grim.  I hope I never complain about New York real estate again.

Behind the Beautiful Forevers

We watched this movie, which was a really cool take on the tried and true superhero story, with lessons on friendship and power mixed in.  It also starred Alex from Parenthood as one of the supporting actors!


Since high school, cooking and baking has always been a mode of procrastination for me.  I always seem to find the best recipes when I have work to do!  Fancy that.  I made these crackers to go with this dip, and  followed the ingredients almost exactly (the only change I made was to use seaweed gomasio instead of plain sesame seeds, as that’s all we have).  They turned out to be very crumbly, without a lot of taste.  B compare the crackers to “very, very dry bacon.”  I think I’m going to crush them up and make them into a crust for a savory tart.

gluten free vegan crackers

As far as things in the GI department are going, I’m sad to report my colitis has returned.  Collagenous colitis can come and go, and the triggers aren’t always known.  It may have been eating an excessive amount of fruit, and it may be the academic stress I’ve been feeling ever since we returned from vacation.   It may also be the two glasses of wine I drank on Friday night.   I haven’t been feeling quite so bloated or crampy, however, which may be a result of  following a low-FODMAPs diet.

I wasn’t expecting any kind of quick fix, so the best I can do- in all areas of life- is try to take care of myself and limit internal and external stress.  It’s an ongoing process I imagine I’ll still be evaluating at age 90 (with genetics on my side, this is a definite possibility!), and I tell myself to take each day as it comes.

What have you been thinking about lately?

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