Fashion Magazine

THE News - Isabel Marant for H

By Marta @fashion_caramel
THE news - Isabel Marant for H
I'm sorry for the lack of updates in the blog during the past week. After a few hectic days at work and my 3-year-old's music recital (don't laugh, he was very focused) on saturday, we rushed to Disneyland Paris for the most perfect (but exhausting) 48 hours. It was so amazing that I probably need a week to recover both mentally (yes, I still have "it's a small small world" on repeat inside my head) and physically (yes, two boys below 4 year-old is a challenge even though mine are practically angels ). I promise you to be back in business mañana, but in the meantime for those who don't know it yet (unless you were disconnected and/or lost in an island this should not be the case), here are the news of the next H&M collaboration: Isabel Marant for H&M collection will be out in stores on November 14th... Are you going to be in line ?
xx Marta
Ps: Read here some positive and some not so positive feedback on today's fashion news. As for me, I'm with Caroline here.

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