Today, with great pleasure, we welcome into the fold LT, a new regular here at Chicks Dig The Fastball.She is not only an awesome individual, but a hilarious sports buff and an excellent writer.Personally, I have great respect for women who can really riff about sports – and I am so happy that LT has agreed to join us. You’ll find her introduction below, but expect something good from her later in the week. As for me, well, you are going to get more ranting about Uncle Jerry as soon as I get home tonight (I know I said I was done with him.I lied. After last night’s ridiculousness, I must comment or my brain will explode) and a live-blog tomorrow covering the Duke-Michigan State game (and hopefully Coach K’s 903rd victory). So I hope you all have a great afternoon, please check back this evening, and without further ado, please meet one of my new partners in crime, LT:
LT Ohai!JHop ever so kindly asked me to contribute here at Chicks Dig The Fastball.Apparently, she follows me on the Twitter (@BindsTheTuna) and thinks I’m “funny.” I know, right?! Anyhoo. I’m LT. I’ve got two sons, a husband recently retired from the military, I live in the mid-South, and I work in the legal profession, all of which means my Idiot Tolerance defaults to -10.I’m a Cubs fan AND a Duke basketball fan, so my Sports Karma is somewhat balanced. I also like the Steelers and the Bears, I am happy when the Saints win, and I know nothing about hockey. I AM PREPARED FOR THE SPORTS.
What else? My kid played travel baseball for six years, so I was thinking it might be interesting if we discussed the misconceptions people have about travel ball, or tournament ball, or whatever you call it (“rich white people living out fantasies through their kids” is one phrase I’ve heard), the logistics, and financial commitment. So I will, but closer to baseball season.Right now, I’m gearing up for college basketball.Expect zero (ZERO!) tolerance for Tar Heels and Terps, and many comments about how good-looking Tony Bennett and Jay Wright are. Thanks to JHop for the gig, and I hope you’ll stick around. (pleasestickaround)