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The New Chic

By Foreverlovely @ForeverLovely11
Hello everyone, long time no talk!  I have been super busy, but I'm back with an awesome website that I just learned about from my lovely Etsy team members.  It's called Polyvore and it's a tool that allows you to create collages with images uploaded from around the web like the one I created below.  The coolest thing about it is that if you see a collage you like, you can click on the individual items and see where to purchase them right then and there!  Just saying, you will probably be seeing lots of these fun little collages from me in the very near future. :) The New Chic
The New Chic by foreverlovelydesign on polyvore.com
The New ChicThe New ChicThe New ChicThe New ChicThe New Chic

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