Family Magazine

The Mummy Scenario Tag

By Ourbabyblog @OurBabyBlogx
The Mummy Scenario Tag I found this little TAG over on a few Mummy blogs and across YouTube so I wanted to give it a go and give you all my answers, my parenting seems a lot different from most of the other peoples answers i've seen so I thought i'd give the other side and maybe others can relate to me too :)

The Questions; Your kid is refusing to eat dinner, do you stand your ground and demand they eat what you made? Or make something else?

I think it really depends, if they're just not eating and you know they like the food, I won't make something else, i'll try and encourage her to eat it and maybe tell her she can have a little treat if she eats more, but if i've cooked something new and for the first time, there's a chance she might not like it so I'd make something separate for her! I wouldn't make her eat food that I know she doesn't like, but some days they're just not that hungry or are just being a bit picky so I would just give her some fruit once we've all finished just to make sure she does eat something!
Your kid has a melt-down at the store, nothing is working to calm them. Do you leave & come back another time, or grit your teeth and finish shopping?
This is the exact reason we do online shopping, Abbie can sit in her pushchair for a good hour in her pushchair but any longer than that and she gets all grumpy and fidgety! It's not ever worth the risk, if we can avoid the stress of a meltdown we would, so my answer is DO ONLINE SHOPPING! Ha ha :)
Your kid gets too many toys for their birthday, do you make some returns or save them for a rainy day?
I think we'd just let her have them all then see which ones she plays with the most (there are always favourites), then the ones she's either a little bit too young for still or hasn't paid as much attention to, will go upstairs for a rainy day, there's only 3 months between Abbie's birthday and christmas so we would probably give her them for then! Your kid is protesting sleep, do you give in at 3am, get them up & turn on a movie? Or continue to rock them, nurse, etc to try to get them back to sleep?
Ever since Abbie was little, like a day old, she's been a bad sleeper, there have been so so many occasions when she's been awake at 3am, even a few weeks ago when she didn't go back to sleep until 5am..but the one thing I have never done is give in, I've never rocked her for an hour then just thought 'Right lets just get up', I have been known to stand up and rock Abbie for up to 3 hours, I know it sounds crazy but I was adamant from day 1 that I would never give up, if you do just one time, they will remember it and you might have some problems on your hands as they get older!
You have an appointment and no babysitter- do you bring them with you or reschedule?
I'll bring Abbie with me usually, unless it's an appointment for an eye test or something, she wouldn't stand still or sit still for longer than 10 seconds, so i'd end up being stressed, so i'd reschedule that one haha
You have 20 minutes until unexpected company arrives. Do you rush to clean up your messy house, or just figure- "hey, it's okay. I've got kids!" Always always, clean the house! Yes kids make mess but you can still make it look like you've made an effort rather than just having an untidy house. But if it's close family I don't really mind, no-one's house is perfect and mess is inevitable!
You're running late & only have time to do your hair or makeup- which do you choose?
Makeup! I rarely do anything with my hair so would just leave it, however without makeup I tend to get comments like 'you look a bit poorly', 'you look so tired' etc etc..I can blame my hair on the weather or something at least! Ha ha.
You're at the park and another child pushes yours, do you intervene and correct them- or go find the child's parent?
I wouldn't say anything to the other child, I wouldn't appreciate it if someone else did that to Abbie, but I might confront the parent and say something politely and a bit jokey, that's how I'd rather someone approached me, I'd then apologize big time and get Abbie to say sorry to the child, I think it's common courtesy! No child is perfect and it doesn't make them 'bad' if they do lash out, it's just a bad thing for them to do! 

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