Lifestyle Magazine

The Most Romantic English Wedding Venue?

By Claire

Wordsworth House wedding venue Freer Images (1)

Wordsworth House wed­ding venue makes history

Wordsworth House & Gar­den was the child­hood home of William Wordsworth in the 1770s and the gar­dens inspired many of his poems. The house was licensed for wed­dings on the 6th of August 2012 and is the first National Trust prop­erty in the county to be licensed for civil ceremonies.

Natalie and Ian O’Neill jumped at the chance to make his­tory by being the first cou­ple to tie the knot at the unique venue. Theirs was the first ever wed­ding cer­e­mony at the child­hood home of the 19th cen­tury Poet Lau­re­ate William Wordsworth.

Wordsworth House wedding venue Freer Images (4)

Bride Natalie said, “The cer­e­mony in Wordsworth House was really inti­mate and the gar­dens were look­ing beau­ti­ful so the photo oppor­tu­ni­ties were amaz­ing. By get­ting mar­ried on a Fri­day when the house is closed, we had it to our­selves so there were no other peo­ple run­ning around. It was so special.

We held the recep­tion at the Trout Hotel, which is right next door to Wordsworth House – it wouldn’t have been any eas­ier even if we had had it all in one place. It was perfect.”

Wordsworth House wedding venue Freer Images (2)

Wordsworth House wedding venue Freer Images (3)

Sue Eccles, The Trout Hotel’s Man­ag­ing Direc­tor, said: “It was a real hon­our for us to host the wed­ding break­fast of the first cou­ple to tie the knot at Wordsworth House. Our staff really enjoyed play­ing a part in not only a spe­cial day for Natalie and Ian, but a mar­riage mile­stone for Cum­bria with Wordsworth House being the first National Trust prop­erty in the county to be licensed for civil ceremonies.

The pho­tographs used in this blog post were taken by Lake Dis­trict wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Chris Freer, of Freer Images. Chris will be at Muncaster Castle’s Lake Dis­trict wed­ding fair on the 14th of October.

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