Art & Design Magazine

The Most Beautiful World In The World

By Trebeca04

Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. 
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, 
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.Louisa May Alcott
The Most Beautiful World In The World The Most Beautiful World In The World The Most Beautiful World In The WorldThe Most Beautiful World In The World The Most Beautiful World In The World "The Most Beautiful World In The World"
Some days one has to look harder than others, but there is beauty all around us. It’s so much is about perspective and attitude. Some days it is difficult to see the wonder of it all, because it's difficult to not focus on the hardship and sadness that also exists.
Good and bad are both realities. This piece is a lovely reminder to return to the present moment, something so simple yet so hard to remember to do at times. As Louisa May Alcott says, we must keep looking up.
A single-bottle wine box, topped with a vintage wooden drawer pull is covered in green tissue and collaged with images of birds taken from a bird encyclopedia rescued from a local thrift store. The inside is collaged with text from a vintage dictionary.
Inside, and glass enclosed, are children's alphabet blocks spelling the word "AMAZING', and a porcelain doll's head with piercing hazel eyes that add emphasis to the statement found along the left front side of the box: "The Most Beautiful World In The World".
Keep looking up!

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