On Saturday or Sunday morning you have a good opportunity to ease out. You can spend some time to read, choosing between a book and a magazine. Personally, I find that the book shops, the libraries and the edicola= kiosks are magical places: there is the scent of paper! We choose to go into a edicola: there will be the newsagent submerged by many magazines and you can smell the scent of the glossy paper. Here you can choose what you prefer to read maybe n front of a cappuccino in the nearest bar. The choice is sundry: if you are interested in news, you can opt for a quotidano =daily newspaper.

If you are gossip addicted you can buy rivista di pettegolezzi = gossip magazine. If you want a more light reading you can opt for rivista di attualità = news magazine or rivista di moda = fashion magazines: you can find different magazine for the man and the woman.
Do you want to dream of faraway destinations? Choose a rivista di viaggi = travel magazine.
If you are interested in a specific topic you can opt for rivista di settore = a trade magazine. You are an eternal children? You can choose a rivista di fumetti = comic book.
So if you go into the kiosk the choice is huge, you will find something for you.