Lifestyle Magazine

The Luxury Wedding Show — What It’s Really Like Inside!

By Claire

Wendy Bell invitations at the Luxury Wedding Show (13)
Only three weeks ago I was wistfully telling my friend and sponsor Wendy Bell how I'd love to go to The Luxury Wedding Show - if only all the events weren't so far away from my little base in Cheshire (I know, pitiful isn't it...)

The Luxury Wedding Show seems to have cornered a niche in the UK wedding market - and not only that, there's a wonderfully voyeuristic appeal too. From gorgeous designer wedding invitations to flowers and cakes, decor and more - it's great to see the best in the UK wedding industry. Even if you're not splashing out on a luxury wedding, wouldn't it be fun to go and look around anyway, see what the more extravagant brides are buying? I know I'd love to see these shows from a wedding supplier's point of view as well.

The Luxury Wedding Show: Show and Tell!

So Wendy very kindly said she'd do a little show and tell after the Luxury Wedding Show in London on the 25th of March. I have photos, commentary... it's all here! Wendy gives a great insight into what the Luxury Wedding Shows are all about - I hope you find it as fascinating as I did!

Wendy Bell invitations at the Luxury Wedding Show (11)

This hotel is absolutely stunning! I wish I'd been able to take a tour around the whole thing; might have to have a night there one time; it's very funky whilst keeping all of the original features.

The Luxury Wedding Show, London, March 2012

Wendy Bell invitations at the Luxury Wedding Show (14)

GC Couture's The "Isabella" cake was designed to complement one of Ian Stuart's wedding dresses as the two companies collaborated on a photo shoot together... you can definitely see the resemblance!

"I had the good fortune of speaking with the Director of GC Cou­ture (Sach Singh). He’s a lovely man and was explain­ing to me that he’s only been in busi­ness for 6 years and started work­ing from home. Now, he has a cup­cake shop in Hatch End, Mid­dle­sex where you can come and buy cakes, and at the back they make the wed­ding cakes and appar­ently there’s a show­room upstairs for peo­ple to come and have a wed­ding cake consultation.

“He also said he’s a preferred/recommended sup­plier for quite a few of the major 5 star hotels in Lon­don. It’s a very impres­sive CV for a com­pany that hasn’t even been run­ning for a decade yet! They offer 36 dif­fer­ent flavours of cake! I must say, after hav­ing tried some it is lit­er­ally as good as it looks!”

Wendy Bell invitations at the Luxury Wedding Show (6)
Wendy’s own dis­play stand looks fan­tas­tic. There are new designer wed­ding invi­ta­tions here which even I haven’t seen — I adore the expres­sive ‘I love you’ invite in the cen­tre of this pic­ture, and even her lit­tle but­ter­fly busi­ness cards… they remind me of this beau­ti­ful but­ter­flies invi­ta­tion from Wendy’s col­lec­tion!
Wendy Bell invitations at the Luxury Wedding Show (5)
See Wendy’s wed­ding sta­tionery face­book page for more and have a look at her designer wed­ding invi­ta­tions show­case right here on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog:

Wendy Bell invitations at the Luxury Wedding Show (4)
Wendy told me, “I found it to be a very use­ful show with some fan­tas­tic com­pa­nies exhibit­ing and all of them were absolutely lovely peo­ple to meet. There is def­i­nitely some very impres­sive tal­ent in this industry!”

More images from the Lux­ury Wed­ding Show

Wendy Bell invitations at the Luxury Wedding Show (10)

Urban Stems at the Lux­ury Wed­ding Show

Wendy Bell invitations at the Luxury Wedding Show (9)

A close up from Urban Stems dis­play stand at the Lux­ury Wed­ding Show

Wendy Bell invitations at the Luxury Wedding Show (12)

Ivory and Rose Cake Design at the Lux­ury Wed­ding Show

Wendy Bell invitations at the Luxury Wedding Show (2)

William Clarke Flow­ers at the Lux­ury Wed­ding Show

Wendy Bell invitations at the Luxury Wedding Show (3)

William Clarke Flow­ers wed­ding table decorations

with my thanks to the wonderful…

Wendy Bell invitations at the Luxury Wedding Show (1)
Once again, I’ll be back on Tues­day after the bank hol­i­day week­end. And don’t miss it — I have some­thing very spe­cial planned…

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