Entertainment Magazine

The Love Languge – “Calm Down”

Posted on the 13 May 2013 by Audiocred @audiocred

The+Love+Language+l 9891f069704041c6bc32d1587e28 300x199 The Love Languge   Calm Down

It’s hard to say that The Love Language are “back,” because unless you were paying close attention in 2008, you might not have even noticed Raleigh, North Carolina-based Stuart McLamb’s project had ever arrived. “Calm Down” should help even the most oblivious music listeners take notice of the startlingly underappreciated group; the song combines the wild and bombastic psych-drivers of Deerhunter’s Microcastle with The Love Language’s own patented brand of jangly indie rock. There’s a lot more power in “Calm Down” than The Love Language is used to weilding – but there’s no going back now.

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