As you all know, I try to travel as light as possible. I cut out anything that I think I won’t need or will weigh my bag down, there’s nothing worse than trekking from bus/train station to your hotel with a huge bag! Of course there are always items that you simply must travel with, without them we would be lost. My bag usually has the following necessary items in it; laptop, camera, passport, travel tickets and cash, of course there are clothes but I don’t think we need to remind ourselves that we need to pack them – well I hope not guys. Now there is one more addition to the above list, Bimuno’s TRAVELAID!

You always here about these great new inventions that will help you with any stomach problems whilst on your travels and are always sceptical, I saw this one and thought it would be the same as the rest. How wrong I was! Travelaid is absolutely fantastic and perfect to put in your bag when you go off on your travels or for a short break.
Bimuno make a wide range of prebiotic goodness for all os us. Prebiotics are basically good bacteria and it helps our bodies to get rid of all of the bad bacteria that can end up causing us problems.Their product TRAVELAID has been designed to help people that travel to avoid getting an upset stomach which could end their holiday.
We’ve all been there, we go to a new country which has a different culture and cuisine to the one that we are used to back home. Then one day out of the blue you can’t leave the hotel or guest house because you always need to be in close proximity to a toilet. It’s the best way to lose a day or two from your holiday, if you’re on a tight schedule that could be the difference between seeing one of the UNESCO world heritage sites and not – everyone wants to avoid that happening! Well, with TRAVELAID you have much less chance of that happening to you.
It could be easier to take, which makes it absolutely perfect for me because I sometimes get lazy when on the road. All you have to do is chew two pastilles a day, that’s it guys! There’s no mixing a powder in to your food or drinks, you just pop two of the tasty pastilles out of the pack and in to your mouth. You can then go about your day as you planned, it’s perfect. The guys over at Bimuno really have come up trumps on this one, the product is perfect for travellers in every way.
You will be able to find the Bimuno products at all good chemists. You can also find them online; the Bimuno website – - you can find them on twitter @BimunoUK and their Facebook Page is always good to find out about the latest products, promotions and competitions.