On Saturday, I truly understood why some say the justice system has failed African-Americans. I tried my best not to write about the Trayvon Martin case. When the killing took place last year, I decided not to write about it because I truly wanted my blog to be a place that didn’t discuss some of the harsh realities of the world we live in. But tonight, I have no other choice than to write how I feel. I feel as though I am being forced to write this. At 9:45 pm while shopping in Target for what is suppose to be a happy time in my life; I received a text from my local breaking news that George Zimmerman had been found not guilty. I left the store empty handed with a heavy heart. I don’t have to explain who Trayvon Martin is or George Zimmerman because the world already knows. Tonight, I understood how the justice system failed us and the parents of Trayvon Martin.

Photo Credit: csmonitor.com
I’m completely baffled as to how a neighborhood watch member can stalk a young man, grab a pistol, cause a confrontation, and then shoot an unarmed teenager dead. From the very beginning, I thought the whole case was bullshit. The arrest 44 days later was bullshit, the trial was bullshit, the prosecution was bullshit, and the jury was full of shit. In my opinion, the whole arrest and trial was nothing but a stage play with a known ending. It was set up so that this man would go free. That’s what happens when you’re the son of a retired judge. You get to kill an innocent black kid and the family continues to suffer not one but two losses; the loss of a son and the failed judicial system.
For those of you who feel racism was not to blame for this case. You are sadly mistaken and misguided, every action that Zimmerman took from racially profiling him because of his clothing to calling the police and saying these “assholes” always get away screamed racism. I have a news flash for you; every black kid who walks through a neighborhood with a hoodie on isn’t bad or up to no good. When you grab a gun and go after a kid armed with nothing but Iced Tea and Skittles it is NOT self – defense. What ground did you really stand? Why are you standing your ground against someone who isn’t a threat?
I feel absolutely powerless! What can we do to show this is unacceptable? I have a brother who is 18, he was the same age as Trayvon Martin when he was murdered. I found myself telling him to axe the hoodies that he loves so much. What do the parents of young African-American men tell their sons about this injustice? How do we explain that you can be gunned down based off the color of your skin and your clothing? What does this show us as a society? What lessons does this teach us? It shows us that the lives of innocent African-American men aren’t worth a damn in Florida!
Not only did the jury find him not guilty, but they also decided to give him his gun back!
There is no justice, there is no peace, and there is no love, only hate! My heart goes out to his family.
Please feel free to share your thoughts. How has this tragedy affected you?