Books Magazine

The History Guy #VideoReview #BriFri

By Joyweesemoll @joyweesemoll

The History Guy #VideoReview #BriFriWelcome to British Isles Friday! British Isles Friday is a weekly event for sharing all things British and Irish - reviews, photos, opinions, trip reports, guides, links, resources, personal stories, interviews, and research posts. Join us each Friday to link your British and Irish themed content and to see what others have to share. The link list is at the bottom of this post. Pour a cup of tea or lift a pint and join our link party!

Last week, I observed the 200th anniversary the end of The Regency. Tina reviewed two TV shows that she enjoyed on DVD the fantasy, Good Omens, and the History Channel documentary, The Battle of Waterloo.

One of my husband's favorite YouTube channels is The History Guy. I'd been mostly ignoring this channel that often focuses on aviation and military history, but, recently, I stopped to watch a couple that were more in tune with my fascination for British history.

This week, The History Guy released a video about The Great Vowel Shift in the English language. That's a topic I've heard of in vague ways but never fully understood. In part, I now realize, because it isn't well understood. After watching this video, I have a good framework.

Last month, I really enjoyed this fun video about shopping on St. James's Street, where shops from The Regency still exist today.

Here are some more videos featuring British history that I plan to watch in the next few days:

My husband, Rick, and I take a bit of local pride for The History Guy since he lives in the St. Louis region as evidenced by this video of a little-known bit of our history.

When Rick and I used to lead nature hikes at a park near our house, we told some stories about the Lemp family who once owned that land, the one mentioned in the video as being along the Meramec River.

What have you learned about the British Isles from YouTube channels?

The History Guy #VideoReview #BriFri

About Joy Weese Moll

a librarian writing about books

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