The answer to Thursday's Trivia Question: Captain Von Trapp was engaged to Baroness Elsa Schraeder in The Sound of Music FIRST FIVES: Elke Raskob, Justin Jones, My Mom, Neil Moffatt & Priscilla Paez Honorable Mention: Cyndi Greeley Wednesday's Broadcast Top 5 Modern Family-ABC 3.1/9.4
Survivor-CBS 2.6/10.5
Saturday Night Live-NBC 2.6/7.4
Christmas in Rockefeller Center-NBC 2.3/9.8
The Middle-ABC 1.9/7.5
Wednesday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5 X Factor-FOX 1,418,852
Saturday Night Live-NBC 99,687
Christmas in Rockefeller Center-NBC 51,331
Survivor Blood vs. Water-CBS 19,060
Arrow-CW 14,496 Wednesday's Cable Top 5 American Horror Story-FX 2.2/4.0
South Park-Comedy Central 1.5/2.4
The Big Bang Theory-TBS 1.1/2.6
American Pickers-History .9/3.6
College Basketball-ESPN .9/2.2
Wednesday's Cable Trendrr Top 5
American Horror Story-FX 135,586
NHL Flyers/Red Wings-NBC Sports 37,229
South Park-Comedy Central 37,037
Piers Morgan Live-CNN 32,452
Mob City-TNT 21,296
Wednesday's Top 5 Nielsen Twitter Ratings
X Factor-FOX 275,000 Tweets
American Horror Story-FX 105,400 Tweets
Saturday Night Live Special-NBC 50,600 Tweets Christmas in Rockefeller Center-NBC 30,900 Tweets
Girl Code-MTV 28,000 Tweets
Sound of Music
Sooooo what did you guys think? Let's just get it out of the way. I loved it. I had a rough commute, wasn't feeling great when I got home, but as soon as Sound of Music started, the dumb smile took over and I was in. Let's be honest, Carrie Underwood's no Julie Andrews but she held her own. Obviously the voice was amazing. Carrie's not an actress and it showed but net/net she did a good job. Now...Stephen Moyer, in my opinion, stole the show. He nailed Captain Von Trapp and who knew the guy could sing? The kids were great, all of them really. Everyone was great. I had one issue and that was Audra McDonald. She seemed way too happy and smiley for Mother Superior. We were all supposed to be scared a little by her. I just didn't buy her in the role, but the woman can sing. She killed "Climb Every Mountain." I'd love to hear what you thought. Take my poll on the right. Loved it? Hated it? Didn't watch. Fill me in.
Entertainment Weekly calls Scandal OMG-TV and they aint kidding. I don't know what to do here. I'm assuming that a lot of you guys haven't seen Scandal yet. There were a ton of holiday parties last night and of course Sound of Music so do me a favor, if you haven't watched it yet, scroll down, read the news, or just promise to come back to the blog after you've watched because I really need to vomit out everything in my head right now but I don't want to ruin the episode for anyone. You gone yet? Good...okay for those of you that did see the show last night and are still reading, excuse my French, but OMFG! O...M...F...G...
The opening scene with Huck and Quinn was out of control. She was naked, duct taped and about to have some serious dental work done without anesthesia. I totally thought it was a dream and she (or he) would wake up at any moment, but nope...Huck ripped her tooth out. Luckily for Quinn, Olivia was freaking out with her now alive Mom back in town and Huck had to go deal with that mess. Olivia kept having flashbacks of the last time she saw her Mom. She was 12-13, eating some Fruit Loops, listening to a certain Michael Jackson song (name it for 10 points) on her Walkman and reading a book. The flashbacks are important because after Olivia asks Fitz to pull some strings, get a plane, and get her Mom to a safehouse she happens to know about in Hong Kong, she realizes that her Dad wasn't such a d*ck after all. Her Mom's actually a terrorist!!! Okay but that's not even the juiciest thing that happened. Cyrus pimped out James, he figured it out, but didn't know that there were photos. Not sure at all at this point if that was actually the straw that broke the camels back between the two of them or not but Mellie convinced Cy to use the pics and finish Sally Langston off but Sally called his bluff and knew he would never use the pics. It didn't matter though because Sally ended up screwing herself over big time...she killed Daniel, her husband!!! HOLY CR*P!!! Okay so Charlie ended up saving Quinn and having sex with her and now, I'm seriously not sure whose side she's on but man is she good! All that and it wasn't even the winter finale, which is amazing to me because I don't even know what they can do to top that episode. I mean what else could happen? I can't wait to find out.
NEWS & INFORMATION: -Writers Guild Award Nominations are out! Best Drama Series: Breaking Bad, The Good Wife, Homeland, House of Cards & Mad Men Tough category, but HAS to be Breaking Bad right? Best Comedy Series: 30 Rock, Modern Family, Parks & Rec, Orange is the New Black & VeepI know it won't win, but DYING for Orange is the New Black to win. New Series: The Americans, House of Cards, Masters of Sex, Orange is the New Black & Ray Donovan Super Super tough. I am betting House of Cards wins though. Comedy/Variety-Colbert Report, Conan, Daily Show, Jimmy Kimmel, Portlandia & SNL NO JIMMY FALLON??? I DEMAND A RECOUNT!!!
-According to this chart I saw on Mashable yesterday, Netflix is closing in on cable in the race for young adults. Among those between 18 and 36, 46% of paid TV subscribers choose cable but 43% are Netflix users. 5x as many people over the age of 68 subscribe to cable as those who subscribe to Netflix

-If you missed the Lady Gaga Muppets Special on Thanksgiving, no worries, the awesome people at VH1 are re-airing it on Saturday night at 7pm.
-Guess who Andy Cohen's got on Tuesday night in the clubhouse? You'll never guess...some of the cast of Downton Abbey. Yep! Lady Edith, Thomas Barrow, Tom Branson and Mrs. Patmore. Pretty cool right?
-Happy to report that Dianna Agron got whatever was in her butt out of it, and will be back for the 100th episode of Glee. It's the right thing to do, I'm glad she came to her senses.
-AMC has a really good holiday gift for you guys...If you've missed The Walking Dead or Breaking Bad or both, you can catch up over the holidays. Starting 12/27, AMC will air every episode of Breaking Bad and then starting on New Years Day, every episode of The Walking Dead. I can't speak to The Walking Dead, but if there is anyone out there who hasn't seen Breaking Bad, I'm urging you to accept AMC's gift and devour it for free.
-Need more football? Check out the Esquire documentary starting on 1/14/14 called Friday Night Tykes. The show is all about youth football in Texas. It's a 10 part series that I am sure sheds some light on parents and kids and the way we are raising them in a competitive sports environment. I guess this topics hot these days. First the HBO documentary and now this series. I'm pretty obsessed with this topic so I'll be watching.
-This Sunday for all you Long Island Medium people, Theresa Caputo's going to be checking in on people she's done readings for and seeing how their lives have changed since she came into it. A "Where Are They Now" type thing. I know there are a ton of fans out there.
-Sunday's are always tough, add Bonnie & Clyde to this Sunday's appointment TV calendar. The 2 part mini series airs on simultaneously on A&E, Discovery, History and Lifetime at 9pm Sunday night. I'm a huge Emile Hirsch fan and can't wait to check it out.
-For all of you with FiOS out there, Verizon's added a bunch of new channels you can now stream on the FiOS Mobile App. The Cooking Channel, Showtime, Starz, and here in NY you can watch CBS & FOX on your tablets and smartphones. (Hey gotta give ourselves a plug now...they feed my family!)
Friday's Trivia Question: What was The Captain's first name? Have a great weekend! WWTM-Kristy Like me on Facebook at Watching Way Too Much Follow me on Twitter at watchingwaytoomuch@tvnme http://watchingwaytoomuch.com [email protected]