The answer to Thursday's Trivia Question: Vera was Norm Peterson's wife on Cheers.
FIRST FIVES: Bobby Aguilera, David Gorin, Bill McLaughlin, He Who Shall Not Be Named, & Ed Ziskind
Honorable Mention: Karen Feldman Wednesday's Broadcast Top 5 Master Chef-FOX 2.2/5.3CSI-CBS 1.3/6.3
Modern Family-ABC 1.3/4.4
How to Live With Your Parents-ABC 1.3/3.7
Dateline-NBC 1.1/5.2
Wednesday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5 MasterChef-FOX 79,666
The American Baking Competition-CBS 33,340
Supernatural-CW 16,331
Criminal Minds-CBS 14,775
WWE Main Event-ION 13,719 Wednesday's Cable Top 5 The Big Bang Theory-TBS 1.3/3.2
NHL Playoffs-NBC Sports 1.2/2.8
American Dad-Adult Swim 1.1/2.4
CMT Music Awards-CMT 1.0/2.7
Duck Dynasty-A&E 1.0/2.1
Wednesday's Cable Trendrr Top 5 Chef Roble & Co-Bravi 911,980 CMT Music Awards-CMT 691,316 Stanley Cup Playoffs-NBC Sports Mythbusters-Discovery 34,587 South Park-Comedy Central 29,216 Late Night Ratings for the week of 5/27/13-5/31/13 Leno .7/2.8
Letterman .6/2.6
Kimmel .6/2.1
Fallon .4/1.5
Nightline .4/1.4
Ferguson .4/1.3 The Daily Show.4/.8
Carson .3/.9 Colbert .3/.6 Conan .3/.6
Early Morning Ratings for the week of 5/26/13-5/31/13 GMA-1.7/2.0 Today Show-1.5/1.8 WOW...the numbers just keep declining! CBS This Morning-.8/1.0
The Hero
Look, I'm desperate at this point. I needed a fix and guess what...I got one! 2 new shows to watch on TNT. One was actually pretty good and one was ridiculous, but both were fun to watch nonetheless.
First...The Hero. This one has Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as the host. He's huge and sweats a lot. I guess it was 1000 degrees in Panama where they filmed the premiere episode. It literally looked like he was melting. Anyway, the rules of this reality show are a bit confusing, but I'll try to explain it. 9 strangers live in a crazy apartment in Panama on the 60th floor of a building. They have to compete in 2 challenges each episode. The first challenge is a team challenge BUT not everyone on the team participates. Only 6 play. The players left at home get secret calls from The Rock to meet him somewhere and he tempts them with money. They can take it and nobody would know or they can give it back. If they take it, there is a consequence. After the first challenge the team nominates a Hero amongst them to participate in the solo challenge where they can win 50K or put it in the prize pool. I'm not sure why you wouldn't keep the money, but last nights guy didn't. Net/Net is that someone will be declared...The Hero and win all the money when the show is over. I gotta tell you about this chick Patty. She was a crazy cryer. She was asked to meet The Rock on the roof. This chick is nuts. She cried for the entire hour. Good crying, bad crying, scared crying...way too much crying. She's also afraid of heights. Not sure why a person with a crazy fear of heights goes on a show called The Hero, but as The Rock said, sometimes a person with a fear of heights who walks up a flight of stairs is also heroic. Eh...not to me, but I see his point. I actually liked this show. I didn't give it a season pass...but depending on how things go, I just might.
72 Hours
This show desperately wants to be Survivor. The host, Brandon Johnson (no relation to Dwayne...trust me) dresses like Jeff and looks a little like Jeff, but he's no Jeff. Jeff's the best in the biz. Brandon is over exuberant, a very into his job kinda guy. On this show, each week 9 different contestants break into 3 teams and have 72 Hours to find a suitcase that contains 100K. They are dropped into the jungle with no food or supplies, only water. They can radio for supplies but then they get a 1 hour penalty. The show was stupid, the women all had breast implants and everyone on the show was miserable. I would be too. Do the math. 100K divided by 3 - taxes = about...18K. Not worth the torture in my opinion. No season pass for me.
-On the premiere of Celebrity Wife Swap, Joan and Melissa Rivers are going to switch places with Sarah and Bristol Palin. (3 of these woman aren't anyones wives...just saying) I've only watched that show once, but, seriously if Joan and Melissa are going to Alaska and shooting guns and and gutting fish, I gotta see it, I just have to. It's on June 23rd I'm setting the Tivo now. That has to be ridiculous.
-Okay, I just thought of a cool thing to invent...is there a DVR or something for content on the internet? Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee returns on 6/13 and I hope I remember, but lets say I didn't...wouldn't it be cool to have the ability to DVR it? Is that already invented? If it is can someone tell me how to do that? If it isn't, can someone invent it and give me 1/2 the money? It was my idea.
-How happy are we that Showtime renewed Nurse Jackie for a 6th season? I just hope that Jackie stays sober. I really want her to be with Frank the cop and not back to the pills. I just have a feeling that this good news for all of us means bad news for Jackie and I'm hoping the writers don't put me through it all again. The lying, the cheating, the manipulations...oh...yeah, that's what got us hooked in the first place, right? Still...I need Jackie to stay clean.
-I'm not a big Russell Brand fan. He seems like the kind of guy who never showers and always has dirty finger nails, so I've never watched Brand X and don't care that FX cancelled his show at all.
-Do I have Reelz on my cable system? I better check. I'll do anything for an awards show. The Critics Choice Television Awards will be broadcast on Reelz on June 16th. I better look into that.
Housekeeping note: I know a lot of you read the blog on your mobile devices. I just want to make sure you know that if you read it on a computer, you can see all the premiere and finale dates throughout the year on the right side of the posts. You can also see what I'm watching as well. Just thought I'd mention that since a few people send me notes asking for these dates. I always have them loaded to the left of the post.
Friday's Trivia Question: It's Friday...so how about a Friday Night Lights Trivia Question? What was Tyra's sister's name on Friday Night Lights? Who was she married to? (5 extra points) What was their babies name? (10 extra points) I MISS FNL...BEST SHOW EVER Have a great weekend! WWTM-Kristy Like me on Facebook at Watching Way Too Much
Follow me on Twitter at watchingwaytoomuch@tvnme http://watchingwaytoomuch.com [email protected]