Fashion Magazine

The Hermes Bracelet and the Musa Sandals

By Marta @fashion_caramel
By now you all know what I brought from Austria but I couldn't avoid showing you a close-up of my new favorite pieces: the classic Hermes enamel bracelet in black & gold and a pair of Swarovski-crystals Musa sandals in gold (available in silver here).
The Hermes bracelet and the Musa sandals
The Hermes bracelet and the Musa sandals I'm wearing these two pieces all the time and although they match virtually anything on my wardobe I have been dressing them down with jeans and a simple tee. They are as flashy and bling as I can be during the day, dressing them up is not an option.
As you might have guessed, I am back in Brussels and enjoying what probably are our last summer days. This weekend we're even going to the beach (yes, we have beaches in Belgium if you were wondering) as abnormal high temperatures are expected (over 30°C). It's good to be home with this wonderful weather...
As for the blog, we need to enter in Fall/Winter mode really soon. I've started with some fall trends here and there but we need get into serious business if we want to review all the Fall/Winter trends before we end up (like every season) with a wardrobe full of clothes but nothing to wear (yes, you know what I'm talking about). Stick around because your views are precious and I won't make it on my own. But in the meantime relax, and enjoy summer (or winter for you guys down under) !
xx Marta

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