Halloween is just around the corner and it's always fun to think of new ideas to decorate and celebrate this fun fall holiday. If you are a fan of growing your own pumpkins, you can create this beautiful and unique way of decorating these festive fruits. While the pumpkins are still green and on the vine, carve a word or saying of your choice into the flesh. As the pumpkin grows and ripens the carvings will turn into a lovely-looking scar! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and a fun and safe Halloween!
*Pumpkins via
Old Willow Farm All photos via Heather Bullard
posted on 14 December at 18:51
I'm really a big fan of Pumpkin, I admire this wonderful fruit. MY uncle has a farm where he grows pumpkin. He uses teejet in his farms. You have shared some wonderful pictures. Next time I visit him , I will make sure that I do some stuffs like this.