As many of you may know, we are in the midst of a whopper of a storm here in NYC, one that can drop potentially up to three feet of snow. As the years have gone by and my age has gone up, I loathe snowstorms more and more. We have blizzard warnings for r the entire area, and can have wind gusts of up to 65 miles an hour. Oh fun!
This storm was called by the mayor as being potentially “historic”. They then showed a top ten list, as they usually do, of the storms that dumped the most snow. The big Christmas storm from 1947 was in the top three. I have seen several images from this storm, and it got me curious enough to dig into this further. In Central Park, 26.4 inches of snow fell from December 25-26 from this unexpected storm.
I have been seeing a lot of images from the storm today, and seeing as how we all love vintage, I decided to share some of the amazing photographs from the Great Blizzard of 1947. They are remarkable, beautiful, and bring me to a time I’d absolutely prefer living in 😊