Spring in coming!
I always want to do gardening
= giardinaggio in this season. Do you have a green thumb = pollice verde? Personally so and so, but I
really like gardening and it relaxes me .
Sooner or later I will learn to do it well. Some people are lucky to
have a garden = giardino
or even a vegetable gardens=
orto where they can have
their vegetables and then make a delicious soup. For city dwellers like
me there is only one chance: to have a balcony = balcone or a terrace= terrazzo . In Rome there are some houses that have on the top floor wonderful balconies
rich on plants. Here there often are a table and chairs and you can
enjoy the sun and the sight of this beautiful city. In Milan there are
maybe a little less balconies on the top because winter is gloomy, but you can
find them. Because I am a common being, I have a simple little terrace: a small space, but many plants that make it a
little jungle= giungla
(with a little of imagination). During
this time you have to
plant = piantare and to
sow = seminare. For this reason you must have the right tools: a small rake= rastrello, the fertilizer= concime and
the gloves= guanti. Now you are ready to gardening your corner of the plants? You will have fun! Post relatedhttp://www.learnitalianow.net/2012/08/the-basic-italian-vocabulary-about_8.html http://www.learnitalianow.net/2012/08/the-basic-italian-vocabulary-about.html