This signing of this washed up turd was another desperate attempt at relevancy for the D’Bags
My travel buddy and I decided to take a break from the incessant driving to pause for a moment and take a look at the eerily beautiful and deadly Joshua Tree National Park. The sign at the entrance gave you the true indication of what the desert landscape had in store when it read, “no gas for 42 miles.” The lack of water and an eerie feeling of peacefulness seemed to envelope me, but in the back of my mind there was also the thought that human life in all its totality is not needed and scarcely wanted in this section of the world. It’s almost as if humans take some sort of sadistic pleasure in their environment slowly trying to sap the life out of them. We soaked in the atmosphere while hiking a small trail and enjoyed the lovely desert plants for awhile before heading to Phoenix.
Phoenix was 105 degrees and the downtown streets were a veritable ghost town as we searched for Chase Field, home of the Arizona D’Bags. There was no baseball due to the Rampant ‘Rona, but we decided to check out the stadium anyway so I could cross it off my list since I had never been to Arizona and scarcely had any desire to go to Chase Field anyway. It had a very nice brick facade but was a little boring besides that and had a noticeable lack of any sort of player statue. (Luis Gonzalez?) I took the opportunity to take a photo with the over-payed, fake tough guy and infamous red-ass, Madison Bumgarner. Bumgarner unarguably had some great and damn near epic World Series moments, but will always be known by this writer as a guy who yelled at a player, Max Muncy, who apparently didn’t run the bases fast enough after crushing a ball into McCovey Cove. Muncy’s response? “Go get it out of the ocean.” Muncy was apparently so intimidated by Madison “Fake Tough Guy With a Girl’s Name” Bumgarner that he had t-shirts printed of the above response and wore it to the ballpark the very next day.