Gaming Magazine

The First Steps of The Painter

Posted on the 01 June 2022 by Hiddenobjectgames2011 @NenaLuckypet

This is a story of one interesting person who has an even more interesting desire to become a famous painter. Do you want to hear it? For the purposes of this text, we have called that person, Daki the painter. He is the hero of our story which is so interesting from the very beginning. Everyone has their own wishes and plans. Some can come true and some remain just wishes. But, in the basic of the human nature is permissible to dream, want and plan. This is how the character develop and the foundation is laid for what you can become in life. So, our hero Daki has been thinking for a long time about what he wants to be in life and what it is the thing which will make him happy. With his family he lived in a place with beautiful nature and even more beautiful landscapes everywhere around as far as the eye can reach. So, that gave him the inspiration to develop his talent. This way he describes himself. I think I have talent for painting. I like to paint very much. I enjoy in every picture that I made. Colors are my huge passion and I love very much to mix them in order to convey my internal emotion into paintings. And, my emotions are always changing and constantly mixing up. So, they give me the opportunity to make different pictures full of colors. I draw on everything that I can use as a canvas. I must admit that I have so many pictures in my head that I simply have to revive all of them in the reality. And that is so great as long as I get into some trouble like this one I want to share with you. I think it's very interesting, so stay with me until the end. One perfectly sunny day my mother was drying the laundry outside on the wire. I was also outside watching her what she was doing. When she finished her work, she left the yard. Watching the cloths in front of me, I found this as a right chance to make the most beautiful drawings ever. So, I started to paint everywhere and I just can't stop myself with it until I painted every single shirt. My joy was endless since everyone could see my drawings. And, the drawings were just amazing. I was so happy. Everything was fine until the moment when my mom saw her laundry. She didn't see the paintings. All she saw was dirty laundry. Oh, how sad is that? She was shocked and started shouting at me. I did not know what made her so mad. I thought she would be happy to see me painting so well. I really was a great painter. Believe me. But, I could not give her a good explanation why I dirtied her already washed laundry. I was sad that she couldn't understand my art and no one will have the chance to see my pictures. Help me please! Do any of you have a solution for my problem?

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