Almost two months without a post here. Life. It happens. And it happens fast.
The end of 2014 isn’t too far off, only a few days away, It’s been quite the year. There have been a lot of ups and downs, more downs than ups, really. It’s really gone to show me that life wasn’t made to be easy or always fun, but for all the hard times we can still come out on top so long as we don’t give up. It has been a year of learning as well. About myself and a great many other things. This year has changed me, ultimately for the better I think. Hardships tend to make us stronger, better people.
Family and friends have been amazing this year, and I can’t thank them enough for being there. For both of us. Jay has been pretty great himself, helping me through some pretty tough stuff.
I’ve also gotten to know a little bit better the things that I like and dislike. And this can only be a good thing! Unfortunately, I haven’t done anything significant in the cross stitching department this year. That’s okay though. I’ve done tons of other things instead including reading a ton. In the fall I also slowed down taking pictures, but that’s also okay. It has just been time to prioritize some other more personal things.
This blog also celebrated its 3-year anniversary just over a week ago. Unfortunately I was dealing with a major health issue at the time and it passed by uncelebrated. But three years, man… that’s a big deal! I don’t normally keep something going or stick to something this long. I’m proud of myself for it. I know I have slacked off on posting quite a lot this year in comparison to past years, but I have still kept it going. I keep talking about making changes to the blog, helping it to evolve, and it’s been a slow process but it is definitely happening and will continue to.
In 2015, we embark into a new, hopefully better year. My hope is that it will be at least slightly easier than the last. There are already things in the works, that should make it such. I’m optimistic, and looking forward to what the new year will bring. I feel like I am in a good place right now and I can only hope that it will continue to get better.