Lifestyle Magazine

The Elite: Mark Niemierko Interview

By Claire

Mark Niemierko is the wedding planner who inspires the whole of the UK wedding industry, a hugely talented and creative man who lets his work speak for him. I approached Mark shyly via email for a mini-interview and he very kindly obliged. I almost fell off my chair.

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The Elite: Mark Niemierko - a mini-interview

Luxury wedding planner Mark Niemierko (5)

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Mark, your inspirational wedding planning and design has earned you an unrivalled reputation in the wedding industry. What does it take to be so successful in wedding planning?

"Experience and knowledge. Of all the things that could possibly go wrong, to ensure you avoid them. But a big part is being organised and have great people skills. All cou­ples are dif­fer­ent and you’ll need to get along with as well as under­stand them all.”

You’ve devel­oped a fas­ci­nat­ing friend­ship with top UK wed­ding blog­ger Kat from Rock n Roll Bride. Has Kat influ­enced your wed­ding plan­ning style?

I wouldn’t say Kat has influ­enced my wed­ding plan­ning or any wed­dings. What I like and why we have clicked is that we are both hon­est, pas­sion­ate and hard work­ing when it comes to any­thing wed­ding. She is an inspi­ra­tion, in how her Blog is now a busi­ness and effec­tively keeps a roof over her head!”

(see the link at the end of this post to read Mark’s exclu­sive inter­view with Rock n Roll Bride)

Luxury wedding planner Mark Niemierko (2)
With the Niemierko Acad­emy you’re shar­ing the secrets of your suc­cess with event and wed­ding plan­ners. Will you share a lit­tle secret with brides read­ing Eng­lish Wed­ding too? Just one? Pretty please?

It’s not really a secret as I’m always say­ing it. But FUN. One of the first lessons I tell my stu­dents at the Acad­emy is that it’s your job to clear away all the stress and paper­work out of a couple’s lives and just ensure they have fun. As much fun dur­ing the plan­ning as the day itself. Too many Brides get caught up in lit­tle detail – and get them­selves in an awful stressed state. Have fun through­out the whole process – it’s a part of your lives you’ll never have again.”

Luxury wedding planner Mark Niemierko (1)

Photo credit:

What does it take to run a lux­ury wed­ding plan­ning agency?

Hard work, effort, lots of time, lots of energy and com­mit­ment. Aside from my cou­ples and tak­ing calls or emails from them 24/7 – and man­ag­ing all the sup­pli­ers – I also run a busi­ness and every­thing that goes with that from staff, offices and so on. If you are think­ing of going into wed­ding plan­ning as part time or for a fun change in your career think again. It’s a lot more unglam­orous hard work than you think.”

I don’t see the words ‘wed­ding plan­ner’ on your web­site. Is the Niemierko lux­ury brand a step beyond wed­ding planning?

Really? I think it’s in the title bar. But I guess we are far more than plan­ners. I think all suc­cess­ful wed­ding plan­ners are far more than that. You become so much more to your cou­ples, from bud­get­ing, cre­at­ing, man­ag­ing and also nego­ti­at­ing. I’ve always said we are glam­or­ised “Wed­ding PA’s”.

Luxury wedding planner Mark Niemierko (4)

Image credit:

How do you see the Niemierko devel­op­ing in the next 5 years? Have you signed the book deal yet?


Ha, no. Con­tin­u­ing to be the best of the best, never repeat­ing a wed­ding for another client – I get bored eas­ily of themes and like to try new things each time. But still offer­ing an unri­valled ser­vice, con­tin­u­ing to see our cou­ples lives unfold and develop. There really isn’t a more sat­is­fy­ing job.”

Luxury wedding planner Mark Niemierko (6)

Photo credit:

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion:

Niemierko the blog:

Niemierko has one of the most fas­ci­nat­ing Vimeo chan­nels in the wed­ding indus­try — another secret to the suc­cess of the lux­ury wed­ding plan­ning brand? Rec­om­mended view­ing! and here’s one of my favourites…

NIEMIERKO WEDDING: Art Deco Chic at Claridge’s Hotel, Lon­don from Niemierko on Vimeo.

As I type, 10,058 peo­ple Like Niemierko on face­book. Wow!

Read all about Mark Niemierko on Rock n Roll Bride wed­ding blog

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