You may not agree, bur Duchess Meghan’s wardrobe is anything but Regal, and everything but eye catching. Her looks are one thing, she has a pleasant, pretty face, and a lovely smile. But when you are representing the Royal Family your fashion choices are important. So far, Meghan’s fashion choices are not worthy of a Royal.
You may hate me while reading this post, especially if you are a huge fan of hers. But the truth is, she plays it safe, and sticks to the same fashion staples, over and over, this has become boring– and further truth is, she doesn’t have to.
I think it’s time for a new stylist.
Her time in Australia has shown us navy blue after navy blue dress– the same sleeveless style– take some safe risks, Meghan, you can. Becoming someone you have never been is a long somewhat frightening journey, but showing that you have the gumption to be this new person is a big part of becoming them.
The Duchess of Cambridge has a big advantage over Meghan because, not only has she been in this role for nearly a decade, but she was raised around posh English environment her whole life. When Kate Middleton stepped into the spotlight during her engagement to Prince William, she was good. at. it. End of story. Kate Middleton has always had the grace of a Royal, almost as if it were in her blood, too.
Meghan has to work at it. But I think her Royal wardrobe re-haul will help. It’s a major start. Presenting yourself as something to look at, something regal to look at. With poise, and prowess. Meghan needs to work at this, a little, every time she makes one of her many appearances. She doesn’t have it yet.
I wish her luck, and also wish her a new stylist. I think her current stylist, be it Jessica Mulroney, or even Meghan herself making these fashion choices, they’re not good choices.
She looks drab, when she should look refreshing. We’re not getting what we should out of her Royal looks. She’s not getting what she should out of her stylist.
Boring, Meghan. Very Boring.
I have seen nothing new.
Navy. Black. Off white. Navy. More navy. Repeat.
I think that if the world is going to watch, that we are entitled to a. Spectacle.