Travel Magazine

The Dome, Edinburgh

By Smartgirltravel @SmartGirlTravel

Amazing Pictures of The Dome Edinburgh

Now everyone will tell you to go to The Dome. Every Edinburgh pubs guide / restaurant guide will give it top marks, and every tourist will have great things to brag about. Now, you’ll hear it from me: go to The Dome. Go there, go there, just simply go there. It’s beautiful.

In the heart of Edinburgh’s New Town, The Dome is famous for its high standards of service and is the perfect meeting place for lunches, afternoon coffee, evening cocktails or for dinner. But more importantly, The Dome in Edinburgh is an architectural masterpiece, a must-see no matter what the occasion.

What I can’t believe is that something so beautiful was first designed to be the Commercial Bank of Scotland headquarters. This Graeco-Roman building is now a place for much better things than handling money and matters of debt; it’s now a place to get sloshed on strawberry cream cocktails and the like.


The Dome Edinburgh: In Pictures

See my pictures of The Dome before you visit.  I promise you won’t be disappointed!

The Dome Edinburgh, photographed by the (handsome) Andrew Turner. Of course.










Doesn’t the building look absolutely stunning? The next time you’re in Edinburgh, make sure you go to George Street and visit The Dome for a few drinks.  At Christmas time, The Dome in Edinburgh boasts a spectacular Christmas tree, big enough and flashy enough to bost those seen in New York.

So now you know my verdict, the Dome in Edinburgh is a must. If you have a sweet tooth like me, order the Strawberries and Cream cocktail for a sugar boost. Oh, and the chips aren’t bad either.


The Dome, Edinburgh

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