Destinations Magazine
Reading is a wonderful hobby. It allows you to fly in some places of fantasy, remaining anchored to your sofa. Better than that ... If you are lovers of the books here the genres to choose. You are curious and passionate about various topics? Definitely a essay = saggio is the book for you. You can rang over the vast areas of the specializations. Do you want to fly with the fantasy and enjoy the thrill of a story? The narrative= narrativa is the right choice. What's more sublime than the lyric poetry = lirica poetica to state the expression of the soul? I love the prose = prosa, although some poets have sublimated the concept of the poetry. The choice in the narrative is really wide. If you dream the past times the epic-chivalrous or picaresque novel = romazo epico –cavalleresco o picaresco will throw you between the deeds and the times gone by. The adventure novel = romanzo d’avventura , the realistic novel = romanzo realistico , the police novel = romanzo poliziesco, the Gothic novel = il romanzo gotico or the horror novel = romanzo horror will be thrill-seeking, throwing you in a parallel worlds. Instead, why not enjoy a humor/ funny novel = romanzo comico ? Are you sentimental ? Here is the romance novel = romanzo rosa. there were a lot of the names I the human history: why not discover them with the biographical novels = romanzi biografici? The choice is huge, as far as I'm concerned I would need an additional 24 hours every day to read everything I want.