Remember a week or so ago… I dusted off the heated propagator from the shed, excitedly whizzed it upstairs, and planted my first crops of the year: Kale and Tomatoes.
For it was February. Spring is on its way. And these crops can be started early.
Alas, I slightly cocked up on this one. Yes, it’s February, yes, Spring is on its way, and yes indeed, Kale and Tomatoes can be started early. Only not really… You see, there’s just not quite enough natural light yet. The seedlings all popped up, but as soon as they saw a sniff of the window, they scarpered off towards it.

Spindly seedlings
" data-orig-size="3264,1836" sizes="(max-width: 584px) 100vw, 584px" data-image-title="Spindly seedlings" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.2","credit":"","camera":"SM-J320FN","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1488786174","copyright":"","focal_length":"3.3","iso":"250","shutter_speed":"0.0625","title":"","orientation":"1"}" width="584" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Spindly seedlings" height="329" srcset=";=329 584w,;=658 1168w,;=84 150w,;=169 300w,;=432 768w,;=576 1024w" class="size-large wp-image-2196" data-large-file=";=329" />Spindly seedlings
So I’ve ended up with comically long and spindly seedlings that have little or no chance of forming a second set of leaves and growing into healthy, bushy plants.
An executive decision has therefore been made here at Chook Cottage.
I am going to CHEAT!
I know, I know… we all hate a cheater, but needs must. The vegetable plot here is more of a hobby – we’re not trying to live off the land – we just want a couple of fresh bits and bobs to harvest.
So this weekend will find me at the garden centre, snaffling up a couple of trays of veggie plants where someone else has already done the hard work. These will go in the beds, leaving me much more time to chillax in the garden and admire the fruits of my..’ahem’…labour 😉