Today a lovely friend of mine, Leonie, booked my Mum, Baby Girl and I into a photo-shoot session at her studio. It was lights, cameras, action, white floor and reflector umbrellas all round!
I do really love it when people discover something that they enjoy doing and just run with it, like Leonie has done with her photography. It’s a fairly new hobby for her and she has discovered a real passion for it which obvious and contagious (not that I’ll be taking my camera off auto setting any time soon). I was thrilled to offer us up as ‘models’ (and yes, I do use that term loosely indeed) for the morning and can’t wait to see the set of shots she has taken of us all together – three generations of Brewer-ladies all on our best behavior

I know that there will be a couple of shots of Baby Girl and I that can be popped into a frame for the MOTH for Father’s Day next weekend! Father’s Day gift dilemma is solved!
What hobby have you found a real talent for? Do you experiment and create beautiful art with your camera like Leonie … or are you an auto pilot girl, like me?