Hi Guys!
So I am hella making up to you all for being MIA this month, so…
Here is another look I did this weekend. ^_^

One of the things I have been busy is my mini business of customizing vintage shorts, Here is a preview of the ones I am working on.

I really love this robe I got from Sunshine Thrift, as you can see it is very flowy and light!

See me emoting! haha! Just really feeling the nice breeze! :)

This robe actually have tuxedo cut tail (style) which I truly love, and oh did you notice the animal print on it?! just a jackpot!! got this robe for only $3 I think.

Shoes by Das

A closeup of my customized shorts.

Bandeau is also sewn and designed by yours truly.
So what did I do this weekend?! I watch 3 movies in the theaters, went to the beach, ate like a pig as much I could, and went to the beach again, I really had a blast since the BF had a day off on friday so we got to drive around town and partied like we were in college again. Fun times! I hope you guys had a wonderful weekend too! <3
P.S. you can hype this look at www.lookbook.nu/eteclea