Colette and I and two very old dear friends from New York returned today to the Café Figué and the menu was quite different from last time, much more food with influences of Italy, the Cribbean and Asia; a quick look at her resume hows why, after graduating from l’École Supérieure de Cuisine Française in Paris she worked in Providence, Cotonou, Miami and Hong-Kong.

For firsts, our friends had the sauteed (yes sauteed) melon with lettuces, Colette had had the chicken samosas and I had the salmon rillettes; all quite interesting and different.

Then all three had the dorade cooked in its skin while I went for the intruigingly named tiger tears which turned out to be a sort of carpaccio of beef marinated in spices on top of wheat noodles with cilantro and basil. Fetching.

Finally, in sum we had the mango tart with mango ice cream, watermelon sorbet with strawberries and a sable, and microtomed pineapple with white chocolate and crumble bits (and for me a crumble-hater, it was wonderful).