The Plot: The Broadway Melody is the story of the Mahoney sisters played by Bessie Love and Anita Page who comes to New York, for their big break on the Broadway. Their friend Eddie Kearns played by Charles King, who asked them to come to New York, Eddie was in love with the Elder Sister, Hank but later falls for the younger, more beautiful sister, Queenie. Queenie dates the wealthy but dishonest Jock Warriner played by Kenneth Thomson, only to ruin the love triangle and protect her sister. It is a usual backstage story. Some ‘Obvious’ Flaws: The movies have only learned to talk sometime back, so the actors were not used to acting with a microphone instead of making gestures to explain their point. There was overacting all along by everyone, it was hard to do something where you have nothing much to learn and get inspired from. Why it is still good: The Broadway Melody is a romantic musical and it was excellent in its singing and dancing, which is what Broadway is all about. Of course, you will have to accept that it is a 1929 film and one of the first sound films. One thing is for sure, you will not feel disappointed and it will only add to your range as a spectator and a movie enthusiast. Bessie Love and Harry Beaumont were nominated for the award for the best actress in a Leading role and the Award for the best direction respectively at the 2nd Oscars. It won the Best Picture and was the first sound film to do so. Movie Geeks Rating: 6.5/10 Cast: Charles King, Bessie Love, Anita page Directed by: Harry Beaumont
------------------------- Author: Amrit RukhaiyaarEntertainment Magazine
Of all the movies I saw, why I am talking about this 1929 Musical. What is so special about it? Well, “The Broadway melody” was the first sound film to win a Best Picture Award at the Oscars. But that is not the only reason; I decided to write about it. It is a well made unpopular film, so the movie Geek’s blog had to write about it.